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Overview Of Competition Competitive Advantage

Essay Instructions:

Complete a competitor analysis chart and establish a competitive advantage for our business ideas. You must address the following questions: who are your business’ competitors? What do they offer? What will you offer that they do not offer? What is your competitive advantage?

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Competitive AnalysisNameInstitutional AffiliationDate
Overview of competition
The competitors of Sunrise Beverages are the surrounding food and beverage companies. They tend to offer the same products which include energy drinks, fruit juices, and other beverages. Sunrise Beverages sells its products at a reasonable and pocket-friendly price, unlike the other competing companies who tend to sell their products at a higher and unaffordable price.
Sunrise Beverages uses this strategy of selling their beverages at a cheaper price to attract and gain more customers in their business. The other competing companies tend to scare away customers as they put a financial burden on buyers hence very difficult to develop a long-term professional relationship with them. It is commonly observed that some beverage companies surrounding Sunrise Beverage use artificial fruit flavors to enhance the taste of non-beverage drinks. In order to improve the quality and taste of drinks at Sunrise Beverage, we will add sugar honey and other similar sweeteners while maintaining the quality and quantity of the products.
Competitive Advantage
Unlike the other companies, Sunrise Beverages tend offers its consumers with healthy, natural and flavored drinks with zero chemicals. The surrounding companies which pose competition to Sunrise Beverages tend to use chemicals in their production process hence affecting the health of its consumers, this practice will force most consumers to shift to Sunrise Beverages. Sunrise Beverage will avoid the use of artificial fruit flavors to enhance the taste on non-beverage drinks as they want to provide consumers with what is best for their health and boost their physical and mental capabilities, unlike their competitors who use artificial flavors. No water...
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