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Competitive Analysis for Panvy Cheeses

Essay Instructions:

Company Situation Analysis(3pages for Competior Analysis and 1 page for Key Success and Factor Matrix)

Panvy Cheeses is a company you create. And it is a start-up Company.

Then do the Competitor Analysis about this company

Please read all the articles attachments in detail first , then according to these articles’ materials do the Competitor analysis about this company you create.

1. Identifying the Competition

Looking for the Less Obvious

• Determine what the competitor has to do to be successful in its own core business. Are there any core competencies that it must acquire?

• Determine which of the competitor's core competencies are transferable to the entrepreneur's business.

• Determine whether the competitor has a competency in the same area as the entrepreneur.

"Competitor Analysis Checklist:

1) Who are current and possible future competitors?

2) What are the trends in market share among competitors?

3) What are the barriers to entry and exit in the industry?

4) What are each rivals unique competitive advantages, and are they sustainable?

5) What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of each rival?

6) How are pressures such as the balance of power between suppliers and buyers affecting competition within the industry?

7) To competitors have the resources to exploit opportunities and strengths?

8) What substitutes or new products are likely to affect the competitive situation?

9) How have competitors mounted challenges in the past -- and with what results?

10) What other competitive issues are critical in your industry or markets?

11) How is the competition likely to affect the organization and its marketing plans?"

A competitive intelligence exercise enables entrepreneurs to update their knowledge of competitors by answering the following questions:

1) Who are your primary competitors? Where are they located? (The Yellow Pages is a great place to start.)

2) What distinctive competencies have a developed?

3) How do their cost structure is compared to yours? Their financial resources?

4) How do they market their products and services? What do customers say about them? How do customers describe their products or services; their way of doing business; the additional services they might supply?

5) What are their key strategies?

6) What are their strengths? How can your company surpass them?

7) What are their major or weaknesses? How can your company capitalize on them?

8) Are new competitors entering the business?

Some questions that should be answered about competitors, and examples of tools that can be used in this analysis, are providing the following section.

1) Who are the present competitors? How they rank in order of threat to our market position? What strategies are they pursuing? What are the success factors?

2) The potential competitors? What are their strategies and objectives? What barriers to entry exist to protect our position?

3) What new products or technologies are gaining a competitive age?"


1) Describe your competitor's products or services. What benefit do they provide your customer?

2) What are your competitor's product's strengths?

3) What are your competitors products weaknesses?

4) Does your competitor's product have any potential manufacturing, environmental, technological, or economic constraints that your product does not have?

5) What are the growth and expansion plans for your competitor's product?


Market Share

1) What is the trend in your company's market share and sales relative to key competitors? What is the market share growth/decline for your company or product over the past five years? What is the competitive set and relative market share overall, in your primary geographic area, and from market to market?

Target market

1) What is your primary target market? What percent of sales does it account for? How does this compare to the industry and your key competition?

2) Is the description of your heavy users the same as that of the industry’s or your key competitors’?

Marketing objectives/strategies

1) What are your company's marketing objectives and strategies? How do they appear to differ from your key competitors?


1) What is the positioning of your company and your competitors? Is your positioning preemptive? Do have strong positioning relative to your competitors?

2) Does your positioning dominate an attribute that is important to your target market?

Awareness and attitude scores

 If available from primary research, what are the awareness levels and attitude scores of your company relative to the competition?


 What are your product's strengths and weaknesses relative to the competition?


 Are your prices the same as, lower than, or higher than the competition?

Distributions/Store Penetration/Market Coverage Strategy

 How does your distribution strategy differ from that of your competitors?

Personal Selling

 How far does your company selling philosophy differ from that of your competitors? I their different methods that you may want to consider in the future? If so, why?

Customer Service Policies

 What are your company's customer service policies? Do they differ from the competition's, If so, how?


1) Do you rely more, the same, or less on promotion as compared to your competitors?

2) What were the results of your company's promotions and those of you are competitors last year? What was successful or unsuccessful? Why? How do your company's promotions differ from those of your competitors?

3) What promotions does your competition execute that are particularly successful?

Advertising message

 How does your advertising compared to that of your competitors? Is it similar or different? What is the message of your advertising as compared to your major competitors?

 How successful as your advertising been relative to your competitors advertising? Based not just on your judgment but one objective research, what are the strengths and weaknesses of your advertising and that of your competitors?

Media Strategies and Expenditures

• Where, when, and how do you and your competitors use the media?

• What is the media spending both overall and by medium for your company and your competitors? Do you dominate any one medium? Where are your competitors the strongest? How does this situation compare from market to market?

Internet Media

• How is your web site compare with those of your key competitors by the number and type of users? Does your site have more meaningful information? Is it easier to use? How successful is your web site relative to the competition based on "hits" and "conversions"?

• If you're into e-commerce, how does your sales backup to the competition and to the industry average?

• How often does your organization appear in search engine results compared with the competition?


1) What is the merchandising philosophy of your competitors? Is your merchandising similar to or different from that of the competition? Why? Does your merchandising helped communicate your positioning? Which specific merchandising executions by your company and the competition appear to be most effective?


1) Do you have an active public-relations program? Does your competition? How much publicity did your product receive versus competitive products? What was effective?

Testing/Marketing and Research Development

2) What tests did your company and the competition execute in the past year? Were they successful? What did you learn from the tests?

Summary Of Strengths and Weaknesses

1) Based on the information here, what are the strengths and weaknesses of your company as compared to each major competitor?"

Regarding Customer Acquisition, Customer Retention and Branding:

Besides the traditional sections one might find in the Competitor Analysis, such as Location, When Founded, Brief History, Revenue, Employees, Ownership, Overview, and of course your rationale for why you consider this competitor to be one you should investigate, you should include three more sections as follows:

• Customer Acquisition

• Customer Retention

• Branding

1) Regarding this type of information, how did this competitor achieve these?

2) What did they do to gain new customers to make their success happen?

3) What did they do to keep their current customers and have them buy their current, or their new products?

4) What did they do to maintain their brand image?

5) Did they advertise in magazines? Which? Did they promote on television? Where, when, which stations?

Did they print shopping bags customers were given when they made a purchase of this competitor’s products so other people will see the brand name when the customer walked down the street?

6) What kinds of things did they do to achieve their results? This is what you really need to know to be able to compete with them.

You might need to do some of the same things. Or, you might need to do other things to “counter” what this competitor does.

The things I have placed in this comment are the key to a good Competitor Analysis. These are the kinds of things that will help you plan and will help you become competitive and successful in the marketplace.

2. Key Success Factors Matrix

Please read all the articles attachments in detail first ,

then according to these articles’ materials do the Key Success Factors Matrix about this company you create.

Key success factors

Regarding Customer Acquisition, Customer Retention and Branding:

Besides the traditional sections one might find in the Competitor Analysis, such as Location, When Founded, Brief History, Revenue, Employees, Ownership, Overview, and of course your rationale for why you consider this competitor to be one you should investigate, you should include three more sections as follows:

• Customer Acquisition

• Customer Retention

• Branding

1) Regarding this type of information, how did this competitor achieve these?

2) What did they do to gain new customers to make their success happen?

3) What did they do to keep their current customers and have them buy their current, or their new products?

4) What did they do to maintain their brand image?

5) Did they advertise in magazines? Which? Did they promote on television? Where, when, which stations? Did they print shopping bags customers were given when they made a purchase of this competitor’s products so other people will see the brand name when the customer walked down the street?

6) What kinds of things did they do to achieve their results? This is what you really need to know to be able to compete with them.

You might need to do some of the same things. Or, you might need to do other things to “counter” what this competitor does.

The things I have placed in this comment are the key to a good Competitor Analysis. These are the kinds of things that will help you plan and will help you become competitive and successful in the marketplace.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Competitive Analysis for Panvy Cheeses
Competitive Analysis for Panvy Cheeses
Potential Competitors of Panvy Cheeses in the Cheese industry
Several fast-food joints in America today have embarked on the production of variety. For instance, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) produces other types of food besides its specialized fried chicken. The majority of the food being produced in the fast-food joints requires CheeseCheese, which has become a more significant industry in the United States where it was valued at $34.3 billion in 2019, and the value is projected at $45.5 billion by 2027. Glanbia remains the biggest producer of CheeseCheese in the United States, while Mozzarella cheese still stands as the most preferred CheeseCheese in the country. With these deductions from the United States cheese market, it is evident that Panvy Cheeses' main competitors are Glanbia, the largest cheese producer in the market, and Mozzarella, the most preferred company CheeseCheese in the market.
Determining what competitors have to do to be successful
To become successful in the cheese industry, there are several things that an entry company should do. Besides the several and obvious elements that companies in the cheese industry need to do, such as marketing and branding, a new player in the industry should focus on specializing in the Mozzarella type of CheeseCheese. This is because the high consumption of Pizza in the United States has increased the demand for Mozzarella cheese. Therefore, acquiring the relevant knowledge and skills to manufacture Mozzarella cheese is likely to make any company plying in the industry thriving. Secondly, most of the companies producing CheeseCheese in the United States are also involved in processing other dairy products. Therefore, by specializing solely in cheese production, a company can become more successful in the industry due to undivided attention in producing the best CheeseCheese in the market that meets consumers' needs.
Additionally, easy accessibility of the products is critical for attaining success in the institution. The biggest consumers of CheeseCheese in the United States, for instance, are fast-food restaurants and therefore, there is a need to ensure that fast foods can quickly obtain the product. Finally, consumers will only prefer a particular produ...
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