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Comparison between Walmart and Giant Eagle

Essay Instructions:

Retail Competition on 4 fronts between Walmart and Giant Eagle

Retailers compete with each other via the following fronts:

Store Locations


Product selection

On line services

In your comparison, you are to consider Walmart only a food store. Therefore in product selection you are only comparing food items.

Also, regarding locations, you are to only compare Walmart and Giant Eagle where they compete geographically.

Your responses must clearly outline the strategy used by each of the two retailers along with who has the advantage in each of the 4 fronts.

All sources must be cited.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Retailing Operations:
Walmart vs. Giant Eagle
Walmart and Giant Eagle are business entities in the food industry. They are both into selling grocery products in the market. As competitors, they differ on four fronts namely store locations, pricing, product selection, and online services. In this paper, we will be comparing Walmart and Giant Eagle in those four fronts. We will identify each store's strategic locations and find out which has more competence in that front. We will also be comparing their pricing to see which store is more competitive in the market. We will also compare their product selection to see if there is huge difference in their offers. Lastly, we will compare which store offers good service online.
Giant Eagle has about 200 store locations in five states of America (Indiana, Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, and Ohio) (grocery.gianteagle). Its stores are spread out in 148 cities in the five states. In comparison, Walmart has around 11000 stores in all 50 states of America (corporate.walmart). Though, some of the major cities like San Francisco and New York City have no Walmart store yet. Aside from the state-local stores, Walmart has stores spread across the world. From this point, we can tell that Walmart has more competence when it comes to geographical location seeing that it has even reached international lands.
As we can see at the comparison of Walmart and Giant Eagle's store numbers, we can quickly identify which store gets more sales. With Walmart spread across the world, it gains not only America's sales but also other countries'. Giant Eagle may be in the process of expanding their stores in the future. In the meantime, they are into operating their stores in few states.
Let us now look at the difference in pricing of Walmart and Giant Eagle. In a report by Penn Live Patrol News (2017), the same grocery items were bought in different stores, Walmart and Giant Eagle included, to compare their prices. Between Walmart and Gian Eagle, for most items, Walmart is cheaper than Giant Eagle. However, the prices were only different by a few points and so there is not much difference. In another report from CBS Philly (2018), a local news portal in Philadelphia, Walmart is rated as among the lowest price in grocery items. Though, just like the previous report, the price difference is only by a few points. Seeing that Walmart is lower in pricing, we can say that the store is more competitive on that front of pricing.
When it comes to pricing, cheaper items are more appealing to people. Even if it differs a few cents or a dollar, it matters to the consumers. That is why the store who offers more cheaper items is more competitive in the market because it catches more customers attention.
When it comes to food variations, both Walmart and Giant Eagle sell t...
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