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Track a Companys Social Media Content Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Due Week 10 and worth 250 points
Refer to Figure 15.19 “Content Creation Tactics for XYZ Coffee Company”, located on page 341 of your textbook. Select a company of your choice that uses multiple forms of social media for its marketing strategy.
Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you:
1.)Describe the selected company including but not limited to its size, industry, main products / services and target market, and objectives.
2.)Create an inventory of the company's existing social media platforms including name, type, and general description for each platform. Next, determine each platform's main purpose and analyze the main role and influence that each platform has on this company's marketing strategy.
3.)Examine how each social media platform fits in the social media marketing strategy / plan in order to generate business for the company. Examine the main pros and cons of each platform regarding the company's marketing strategy. Justify your response.
4.)Determine the type of social media platform that received the most activity both from the audience and within the company. Next, determine the type of social media that has the most positive influence regarding the company's market strategy. Provide a rationale for your response.
5.)Propose one (1) overall strategy for the company's social media campaign in order to leverage the content to increase more customer usage. Provide a rationale for your response.
6.)Examine the company's mobile computing technology within its marketing strategy. Next, suggest how you would use mobile computing for the company's marketing. Provide a rationale for your suggestion.
7.)Use at least three (3) quality academic resources. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource.
8.)Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
-Appraise social media marketing to determine the value to marketing plans.
-Examine the factors in a social media plan cycle in order to create social media strategies.
-Evaluate how inline publishing methods (e.g., webinars, podcasts, white papers, articles, and eBooks, etc.) fit in a social media marketing plan to generate business.
-Defend the pros and cons of marketing with social networks.
-Examine the different types of social media networks (e.g., microblogs, discussion boards, social news sites, and Q&A sites), and analyze how to integrate these tools into a social media marketing campaign.
-Interpret social media challenges with mobile computing and marketing, and speculate the future trends.
-Determine the key elements of developing an effective social media marketing plan and choose questions to help evaluate a social media marketing plan.
-Use technology and information resources to research issues in social media marketing.
-Write clearly and concisely about social media marketing using proper writing mechanics.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Track a company's social media content
Oreo and Social Media marketing
In the modern day, some brands have grown so fast that they have managed to be looked at as a company on their own. They have their separate marketing strategies production functions as well as managers. In this essay, I will look at Oreo as a company for the purposes of analysis. Oreo is a cookie brand produced by Cadbury and Mondelez International. It was introduced in 1912, which is about 105 years ago. Oreo cookies are different in make. They consist of two black chocolate wafers sandwiching a sweet crème in the middle. The crème is usually white. Oreo has grown from just having a market in the United States of America, to acquiring a global market. Oreo's size has increased considerably from just having production factories in its country of origin to having multiple production companies all over the world. Various distributors distribute Oreo. However, globally the primary dealers are KFC and MacDonald’s. Oreo has not been free of scandals, at one point they ceased production in Chicago due to a boycott. Oreo has diversified its products to cater for the variety of tastes and preferences. They include Oreo double stuff, mini tub, original Oreo, Peanut Butter, Oreo pack, Oreo snack pack and golden Oreo. This is just but to mention few (Oreo- Milk's Favorite Cookie, 2017).
Oreo though a company that begun long before the introduction of social media has been hailed for the way it has embraced social medias vibrantly and successfully. The marketing branch of Oreo has used social media platforms quite effectively using Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Vine, and their official website. Instagram is a social media platform that involves the capture of photos in the most beautiful of qualities, uploading them with the motive of receiving quite many likes. An account with many followers is highly rated. Its primary purpose for any organization is advertisement and passage of information through high definition pictures. Another platform is the company’s official website. This is a site managed by the corporation and viewing is for all at all times. Information on official websites is always taken to be truthful and reliable. The website gives an insight into the company's details and details of the managers and other key events. It also has a place for suggestions as well as questions and answer platform for any queries and concerns from the visitor. Twitter is yet another social media platform. A saying goes that news on Twitter moves faster than an inferno. A platform has been used to pass information and receive massive amounts of feedback in such short time compared to any other social media platform. Facebook is a platform where a company has a page where an interested party likes or even becomes a follower. Relevant information is posted there for the members to see and respond to likes, dislikes, and comments (Hurrdat, 2015).
Instagram fits perfectly into Oreo's social media marketing strategy. Instagram has long usage all over the world. More so most of its users are teenagers and the youth who are usually termed as the future generation. Oreo uploads photos and entertaining videos of its products and even the company itself. They upload them under a hashtag that other users can view by clicking on it. In this way, Oreo has reached a significant number of new potential customers and turned them into actual clients. It has also made the existing customers even more loyal the brand. One main disadvantage of Instagram is its privacy issues as well as the restriction to photos and short video clips. Its main advantage is the high reach it has achieved. The use of an official website has also been of great use to Oreo. Oreo's website has been used to be the source of clarification in the event of the wake of a rumor or confusion. It is also the best source of any credible information from the company. Its main disadvantage is that it has relatively low coverage when compared to other social media networks. Another platform used is Twitter. Oreo's defining moment and also what many would argue as the much-needed push to achieve an effective social media marketing strategy was a twit. During the Super Bowl, Oreo twitted ...
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