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International Business Communication: UAE, Israel, Mexico, and China

Essay Instructions:

Your fast-food franchise has been cleared for business in all 4 countries (United Arab Emirates, Israel, Mexico, and China). You now have to start construction on your restaurants. The financing is coming from the United Arab Emirates, the materials are coming from Mexico and China, the engineering and technology are coming from Israel , and the labor will be hired locally within these countries by your management team from the United States. You invite all of the players to the headquarters in the United States for a big meeting to explain the project and get to know one another. The people seem to be staying with their own groups and not mingling.
- What is the cultural phenomenon at play here (what is it called/ term)?
- How do you explain the lack of intercultural communication and interaction?
- What do you know about these cultures—specifically their economic, political, educational, and social systems—that could help you in getting them together?
- What are some of the contrasting cultural values of these countries?

You are concerned about some of the language barriers as you start the meeting, particularly the fact that the United States is a low-context country, and some of the countries present are high-context countries. Furthermore, you only speak English, and you do not have an interpreter present.
- How will this affect the presentation?
- What are some of the issues you should be concerned about regarding verbal and nonverbal language for this group?

What strategy would you use to begin to have everyone develop a relationship with each other that will help ease future negotiations, development, and implementation

You need to begin negotiating the contracts with the individual teams from each country using the strategy that you outlined earlier.
- What sort of negotiating model would work with each group?
- What mistakes do you need to avoid?
- What if conflicts come up? How would you overcome them?
- What are the intercultural components that you would use for each group?

Before you begin the negotiations, you realize that you need to develop relationships with the people involved and make sure that you are negotiating with the decision makers.
- Why is this important?
- What will you do to develop relationships?

Make sure that you relate your answer for this entire IP to the construction project that the team is working on.
Deliverable length: 1,000–1,250 words

Essay Sample Content Preview:

International Business Communication: United Arab Emirates, Israel, Mexico, and China
Cultural phenomenon at play in negotiation
The phenomenon is cultural differences, whereby language barriers, different beliefs and ethnocentrism affect the communication process for the participants from the four countries. Since each group is governed by different values negotiation might not be straight forwards. At the same time, the participants judge those from other countries based on their experience at home. Since culture is passed from generation to generation, the phenomenon of enculturation affect the way people communicate, interact and negotiate. Hence cultural sensitivity and intercultural communication will help ease the problem and improve relations among the participants.
Lack of intercultural communication and interaction
There is a language barrier, intercultural communication apprehension, because the participants have previously not interacted. In other words, the participants are less likely to communicate because of communication barriers. In any case, it is harder for there to be intercultural interactions. Their willingness to communicate outside their peers from the same country contributes to anxiety, as none is willing to take the first step and initiate communication with people from other cultures. Cultures and negotiation
United Arab Emirates
The UAE is dependent on oil, but there has been increased diversification of the economy, with Dubai and Abu Dhabi being important commercial centers n the Arab World. However, the social system is rigid and is governed by tenets of Islam, where leaders tend to exercise power and authority more often than in the West. The food should be ‘halal’ and contain no pork in the country. The society is highly rule oriented and hierarchical, where focus on ultimate power means that they are less diplomatic even in the business set up.
The political system in Israel follows democracy, but the Jewish population has more say in the society than the minorities including Arab Israelis. Even though, it is a small country, the private sector features prominently in the country’s economic system. Nonetheless, since there are frosty relations with Arab majority countries, it can be difficult to bring together the Emiratis and Israelis on one table.
Mexico is a democracy, but the government’s role in the economy is more prominent than her Northern neighbor the U.S. Family life features prominently among Mexicans, and although mothers are revered, fathers are typically the family heads. The society is hierarchical, where ranking and respect to authority feature prominently. This is reflected in the workplace, where men make the major decisions as leaders and managers. The rights connections influence the way of doing business, and hence there is a need to determine how the power structure affects communication with the Mexicans.
Confucian ideals have influenced the Chinese view on hierarchical structures, where power and authority are common. When negotiation it is important to identify the decision makers as this often affects the way the message is received. Business is highly regulated by the government, and this should be considered when constructing the fast food franchise.
How language barrier and the high context countries affect the presentation 
One of the problems presented by differences in communication styles is how to integrate verbal and non verbal communication. In high context communication, there is a need to utilize both verbal and non verbal communication (Samovar et al., 2013).  Because of the language barrier, there will be a need to rely on non verbal communication. This is especially when direct verbal communication is not possible because of the language barrier and need to bridge differences with those using high context communication.  Concerns about verbal and nonverbal language
Because of differences on communication styles, there is a need to be more formal, since high context communication is indirect (Ting-Toomey, 2012). At the same time, there is a need to take into account the effect of authority on the communication as there are clear boundaries governing communication. With regards to non verbal communication, it is important to clearly understand how this would affect communication with the Emiratis, Chinese and Mexicans where high context communication is the norm.
Strategy to develop a relationship that would ease future negotiations, development, and implementation 
Since cultural differences affect communication relying on directness is better suited to improve relations among the participants. Hence, getting information about each of the cultures limits prejudice, misinformation and making assumptions.  Bringing all the participants together, all...
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