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Communication Method and Minimization of Response and Nonresponse Error

Essay Instructions:

1 You decide to take a telephone survey of 40 families in the 721-exchange area. You want an excellent representation of all subscribers in the exchange area. Explain how you will carry out this study. 2 A major corporation agrees to sponsor an internal study on sexual harassment in the workplace. This is in response to concerns expressed by its female employees. How would you handle the following issues: Cooper and Schindler have discussed various types of survey communications such mails and the internet and how they can increase the number of participants. Additionally, they have asserted that all the research communications have errors and it is important to understand them to minimize them as possible (Cooper & Schindler, 2014). The use of any type of communication survey that involves a sensitive matter, it is important for the participants to provide contact addresses that will help in gathering their experiences. If the participant had a traumatic experience in the past, the research should be prepared to provide any necessary assistance. When collecting the data, the questionnaires should be designed in a manner that shows sympathy even when they appear threatening to the participant.

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Business Research Methods
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Business Research Methods
1 You decide to take a telephone survey of 40 families in the 721-exchange area. You want an excellent representation of all subscribers in the exchange area. Explain how you will carry out this study.
There are various factors to consider when choosing which communication method to use when conducting a survey. Telephones have been used to carry out surveys and have proved to have access to many participants. Additionally, it saves times and is less expensive as compared to other interview methods. Moreover, the participation rate in telephone surveys is higher and provides a better approach to gather large data within a short time. There are a number of factors that need to be considered when conducting a survey for the families in 721-exchange area:
The first step is to decide whether it will be computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI) or computer administered telephone survey. CATI has a human interviewer who engages the participants in a series of questions while the computer gathers the data. On the other hand, computer-administered carries everything through the computer. Because of the nature of the participants, CATI will be more appropriate since it is more personalized and allows the collection of the required data. Additionally, it is more effective and efficient in data collection since the computer receives the data. Moreover, it ensures that the participants have a full understanding of the questions being asked and can seek clarifications where they do not understand. The researcher should understand that some families may decline to participate in the survey or never answer the phone regardless of the nature of interview. It is important for them to leave a message on the answering machines since the participants are more likely to participate if they are allowed to do it during their free time. Additionally, a call back will be important if the participants do not answer the phones at the first time.
The second step will be determining the length of the survey. Shorter surveys are considered to be ideal because more participants will be anxious to complete them. Since this will be a shorter survey, the questions will be designed in a manner that the required information is received. The third step will be to ensure that the participants get an enjoyable experience. This will boost their participation and make them want to participate in case another survey is conducted (Ryu & Couper, 2004).
2 A major corporation agrees to sponsor an internal study on sexual harassment in the workplace. This is in response to concerns expressed by its female employees. How would you handle the following issues:
Cooper and Schindler have discussed various types of survey communications such mails and the internet and how they can increase the number of participants. Additionally, they have asserted that all the research communications have errors and it is important to understand them to minimize them as possible (Coope...
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