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Commercial Organization through The Use of E-commerce

Essay Instructions:

- Electronic Commerce
Research and apply the content from recent articles about Electronic Commerce. You must cite at least 3-5 sources. Write a minimum of 3 to 5 pages for the body of the research paper (using APA writing style format) discussing your viewpoint on the topic and refer to the content from the articles to support your findings. APA writing style requires in-text citations and references support the citations on the references page as needed throughout the document.
Schneider, G. P. (2015). Electronic Commerce (11th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.
ISBN: 978-1-285-425436
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Electronic Commerce
Institutional Affiliation:
Electronic Commerce
One of the most important aspects that technology has brought in the business industry is globalization and internationalization, whose consequences include revolutionized methods through which companies conduct their business operations. Most businesses are utilizing the opportunities offered by globalization and regional integration. The rise of internet application in business has facilitated foreign management of commercial ventures, as seen in the case of China’s utilization of e-commerce in all its outbound investments in foreign countries. In the contemporary global business society, it is possible to control, manage and perform business transactions over the e-commerce platform (Schneider, 2015). There is an increasing adoption of e-commerce in all businesses globally, with the main focus being to facilitate the establishment of online warehouses where business persons can administer several services and sell a broad range of business goods. A wide range of benefits has been attributed to e-commerce. Apart from facilitating online payment modes, e-commerce is linked with the ability to deliver wide-ranging payback to buyers, merchants, and retailers.
There are a series of definitions of the term e-commerce, due to the interchangeability with the term e-business, which is an alternate description. The universally accepted definition as decreed by Schneider (2015), is that e-commerce is a contemporary business concept that describes a system which facilitates an online movement of goods through purchasing and selling of information, services, and goods over an online platform. An equal description is by (Nanehkaran 2013), who describes it as a system that facilitates electronic movements of business transactions through offering support to the generation of revenues online and fosters the demand for information, services, and goods. The two definitions hold some truth because e-commerce permits online payment, support operations, customer services, and sales.
E-commerce is a platform for the electronic market, a destination where buyers, intermediate brokers and sellers ranging from online stores to suppliers communicate. The electronic market formed through the concept of e-commerce facilitates the transactions and exchange of services and products in digital or virtual form, as well as the application of E-credit in transactions (Schneider, 2015).
The primary factor that has facilitated e-commerce is the use of the internet that aids the functioning of computer networks, which ease the exchange of business information, selling and buying of goods and services to bridge the distance between the buyer and the seller (Nanehkaran, 2013). Other scholars and economic analysts consider the aspect of e-commerce to be narrow in describing the interrelationship between technology and commercial transactions. On the other hand, the most scholars utilize the word e-business as an alternative of electronic commerce (Ruth, 2010). However, there is a thin line of difference...
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