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2 pages/≈550 words
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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The Code of Ethics: Three Issues Included In the Code

Essay Instructions:

Complete this assignment in Microsoft Word. Attach the Word document for submission.
Locate the code of ethics for your discipline or potential career field, copy and paste into a Word document. Choose three issues included in the code and explain why each could be helpful to someone working in that area. An example is the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics. Doctors, lawyers, electricians, business marketing, accounting, etc., also have codes.
Essay Requirements:
2 pages, double-spaced (this does not include the attached code of ethics)
12 point font
1-inch margins
Use proper MLA or APA citation style
High scores can be earned when students submit thorough, well-written essays.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation:
Code of Ethics
It is significant to determine that different international and national organizations have initiated efficient marketing codes of ethics that are directed towards guiding their business conduct and practices (Mihai, & Alina, 2013). When businesses engage in marketing code of ethics, they ensure that they are committed in conducting their affairs through an approach that embraces integrity and is mindful of the well-being of their consumers. This paper seeks to clearly determine appropriate codes of ethics in marketing and their impact on marketers.
Three Issues Included In the Code
According to the Business Marketing Association (BMA), the element of sales support, branding, organizational financial relations, and community outreach approaches are considered as areas that require code of ethics in marketing (Yallop, 2012). In other words, the primary categories that define the codes of ethics in marketing include the values and norms as defined by the American Marketing Association and their approaches of implementation. It is essential to establish the fact that the three primary issues that are included in the Business and Marketing domain include the aspect of honesty, fairness and responsibility.
In considering the essence of the element of honesty and its value for individuals working within the business marketing discipline, it is vital to establish the essence of forthright dealing with different stakeholders and customers. Individuals working within the marketing field therefore need to strive towards attaining truthfulness in every situation by ensuring that high value products are offered to the consumers that meet the claims in their communication (Statler, & Oliver, 2016). On the other hand, the marketers are also required to ensure that efficient approaches are incorporated in protecting the company’s products in an event that they fail to meet their end results, an element that clearly shows their commitment and promise in meeting their organizations goals.
The aspect of responsibility in the code of ethics for marketers clearly determines the need for marketers in accepting the consequences of their marketing strategies, an aspect...
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