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Coca-Cola Company's Change Management

Essay Instructions:

Read the 5 Case Studies About Successful Change Management article. Choose one of these organizations and describe what stood out to you about how they led change. How do the principles you've learned in the class relate to what stood out to you? Give specific examples to support your thoughts.Read the 5 Case Studies About Successful Change Management article. Choose one of these organizations and describe what stood out to you about how they led change. How do the principles you've learned in the class relate to what stood out to you? Give specific examples to support your thoughts.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Managing for Change
Institution of Affiliation
Managing for Change
Change management is a key factor in the growth of any company seeking to manage and shift their needs to the needs of their clients. Coca Cola Company stood out as one of those that managed their growth and shifted to the demands of their clients in a faster manner to avoid negative ramifications amid rising stiff competition.
The most outstanding feature was the manner in which the company shifted to the New Coke which did not impress their customers. One of the most important aspect in the management of any change are the customers who should be given priority. In this case, the change was implemented without consideration and involvement of the customers on the actual products that they may need. However, organizations should always prepare for the unexpected results. The change may affect the company negatively, however, how soon and how quick the company responds to the change determines how effective they will manage the effects. In...
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