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Clean Water Act, Rent Reduction, and Endangered Red-Cockaded Woodpecker

Essay Instructions:

Question 1
Read the Call-of-the-Question carefully, and follow the instructions for each subject. Prepare four Briefing Papers using the APA Format for Research Papers, and upload them as one document for your responses.
Briefing Paper 1: Critical Legal Thinking
Read Entergy Corporation v. Riverkeeper, Inc. � Cheeseman text pages 497-498.
Respond to the three Case Questions found in Cheeseman Text page 498.
Brief the facts of the case and assume your boss is seeking your opinions as noted as articulated in the Critical Legal Thinking, Ethics, and Contemporary Business questions. Argue both sides of all issues.
Briefing Paper 2: Law Case with Answers
Read Solow v. Wellner - Cheeseman text page 526.
Brief the facts of the case and assume your boss is seeking your opinions on the 80% reduction in rent.
Provide convincing arguments for both sides of your recommendations.
Briefing Paper 3: Critical Legal Thinking Cases
Read Sections 24.7 Endangered Species (p. 506); 25.2 Americans with Disabilities Act (p. 527); 23.5 Federal Trade Commission Act (pp. 490-491); and 25.6 Zoning (p. 528).
Check the decisions of the highest appellate courts, if a case is cited, for each fact pattern.
Brief the facts of the case and assume your boss is seeking your opinions on whether each of the subjects affect business in the United States and if so, provide the worst and best case scenarios.
Briefing Paper 4: Ethics Case
Read Section 23.8 Ethics � Cheeseman text page 491.
Brief the facts of the case and assume your boss is seeking your opinions on the 3 questions found at the end of Section 23.8. Argue both sides of all issues.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Business Law Briefing Paper
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Briefing Paper 1: Critical Legal Thinking
Is the EPA permitted to use cost-benefit analysis in promulgating rules for technology to be deployed by existing point sources of water pollution under the Clean Water Act?
The cost-benefit analysis provides insights into the effects of the industrial plant in consideration on t5he users, the non-users, the surrounding effects and the social benefits. The benefits are usually expected to outdo the cost of sacrificing the intended resource, for example, the environment. The Clean Water Act approves EPA to establish standards for controlling water pollution. EPA should set performance standards for the concerned plants; this involves the maintenance highest performance standards by the use of the best technology. Therefore, EPA is not authorized to use cost-benefit analysis as the ‘best technology’ would be compromised as long as the benefits outdo the costs.
Briefing Paper 2: Laws Case with Answers Brief the facts of the case and your opinion on the 80% reduction in rent
Implied warranty of habitability involved providing a serene environment that would prove no threat to health and safety. Also, the specifications of the building, like the lifts and the air-conditioning system should be up and running to the expected standards (National Conference on Business Ethics, 1990). These were not fulfilled as part of the warranty by the landlord; Water seeped into the air-conditioning system that were inoperative, and the health standards were compromised as stench came from the garbage in the garage.
The 80% reduction in rent should be upheld considering the breach of contract by the landlord directly affected the three aspects of the warranty of habitability i.e. life, health, and safety. The full rent would be reinstated once the tenant’s grievances are solved.
Briefing Paper 3: Critical Legal Thinking Cases
Considering Section 24.7 Endangered Species
The red-cockaded woodpecker lives in pines at least thirty years old. Their population has decreased invariably as their habitat are clear-cut. Therefore, it is classified as an endangered species meaning that its habitat has to be protected at all cost to redeem its population. The U.S. Forest Service might be entitled to the duty of providing timber and also protecting wildlife, it acted unethically leasing the woodpecker's habitat for lumbering. Considering its endangered stature and the time it takes to reinstate the woodpecker's habitat, the Sierra Club would win this case (National Conference on Business Ethics, 1990).
Considering Section 25.2 Americans with Disabilities Act
According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), theaters have to provide a sitting plan with lines of sight comparable to the other members of the public. In the Cinemark Inc. Theater, there’s a stadium style sitting plan w...
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