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Characteristics of Leaders Who Derailed

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Use the Case Study Analysis Format attached to complete this Case Study. 

Air Force Squadron, p. 74 

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Case Study Analysis
Course title:
Case study analysis
Executive Summary
There are several problems that face the manager as specified in the case. Some of them include poor coordination and organization; the organization being short of replacements, personnel, and supplies; and little teamwork and cooperation amongst different sections of the Air Force Squadron. There is also poor employee morale. The recommended plan of action entails improving the morale of workers. Through this alternative, the manager would create positive employee morale by ensuring that each staff is recognized, acknowledged and rewarded adequately and as necessary.
Statement of the Problem
The main problems that faced the manager, Colonel Pete Novak, included poor coordination and organization, being short of replacements, personnel, and supplies, and little teamwork and cooperation amongst different sections of the Air Force Squadron. The symptoms and root causes of the problems included low morale as a result of the unrelenting workload, the stress of flying into combat zones, and the constant disagreements and bickering. The short-term problems are temporary and last for a short period of time whereas the long-term problems last are lasting. In the case study, the short-term problems comprised poor coordination and organization, low employee morale, and little teamwork and cooperation among the various sections. The long-term problems included poor living conditions at the base, and inadequate supplies, replacements and personnel. On the whole, the decision that the manager Colonel Pete Novak faces is how to improve the morale of the existing Air Force Squadron personnel and how to improve their cooperation, teamwork and living conditions.
Causes of the Problem
Little teamwork and cooperation and poor organization and coordination – no matter the workplace environment, cooperation, coordination and communication amongst the members of the team are a cruel aspect for organizational success (Corbett, 2010). Building teams that are productive and effective is a priority for many managers and a lack of teamwork and cooperation will slow productivity, the employees would become less productive and the organization’s bottom-line would be negatively affected (Corbett, 2010). Inadequate personnel and supplies – the Air Force Squadron has an insufficient number of workforce and supplies. Having insufficient personnel makes the existing workers to have too much workload which may actually increase employee burnout, stress and even turnover (Corbett, 2010).
Low employee morale – at the Air Force Squadron, low employee morale is as a consequence of the unrelenting workload, the stress of flying into combat zones, and the constant disagreements and internal strife. Low morale is essentially an emotional issue for the workers and it causes staff members to become prone to withdrawing their efforts, become less productive, and adopt counterproductive behaviour (Grier, 2013). Furthermore, low employee morale will cause workers to lose their interest in going the extra mile, particularly when they do not care about the tasks assigned to them or when they do not feel as though the manager cares for them. High employee turnover is a costly sign of low morale (Grier, 2013). Poor living conditions – members of the Air Force Squadron live in poor conditions at the base and this could actually cause the employees to become demotivated with their work tasks and lose motivation and morale.
Solutions Attempted and Alternatives Suggested
The solutions which the manager attempted are as follows: first, Colonel Pete Novak informed the members of Air Force Squadron of their v...
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