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Changing Perspectives of Diversity and Systems of Inclusion

Essay Instructions:

Prior to beginning work on this journal, read Chapter 9 from Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice. Additionally, review the Week 4 - Weekly Lecture.
The concept of diversity and inclusion can sometimes bring raw emotions to the surface. This week’s journal will allow you to process the lesson in the privacy of your journal. For this week’s journal entry, write a two to three-page, single-spaced (no title page) journal entry of 600 to 1000 words discussing diversity and inclusion. Feel free to use current events as examples supporting your discussion.
Suggested topics include:
In your own words, define the terms diversity and inclusion.
Explain the kind of feelings these terms bring to you.
Describe the changing perspectives of diversity.
Explain the inclusion framework.
Discuss the model: systems of inclusion: a multilevel analytical framework.
Describe Table 9.4: Components of Inclusion Experience.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Leadership Journal
Due Date
Leadership Journal: Feelings Diversity and Inclusion Bring to Me
Every time I hear the words diversity and inclusion, I get mixed feelings. Even though these terms are used positively today, I do not view them from the same perspective. In communities, diversity and inclusion mean people living together as one despite their differences. In the workplace, the terms mean that people are working together and attaining results despite their differences. The picture painted here is quite nice and helps showcase what the world can or should be; people giving each other a chance to be who they are despite the obvious differences. However, the picture painted makes us bear the differences that we harbor but then asks or creates the expectation that people will ignore these differences and lead their lives oblivious of the same. The people behind these two terms believe they are making the world a better place. They believe that by championing these terms, they are making people aware of their humanness, and ultimately, people will find reasons to stick together. I find all the above misguided. Below is an elucidation of how I would like to distance myself from blindly following or adopting these phrases as they are widely propagated.
First, the use of these two terms leads to the acceptance that we are different. Second, using these two terms highlights my differences with my colleague or my neighbor. It forces me to see those around me as different from me, and therefore, I have to adjust myself and align my thoughts into acknowledging that I am around people who are different from me. Somehow, when I was growing up, I never saw these differences. However, after I have grown and can perceive things and complex concepts, I am made to believe that I am different and need to be mindful of my difference with another person. I feel like, at some point, everyone is made to believe and to buy into the idea of us being different. While growing up, my friends somehow turned into male or female friends, white, black, Spanish friends, Christian or Muslim friends, straight or LGBTQ frie...
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