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Integrating Culture and Diversity in Decision Making: The CEO and Organizational Culture Profile

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 2: Integrating Culture and Diversity in Decision Making: The CEO and Organizational Culture Profile Due Week 4 and worth 100 points Choose one (1) of the following organizations to research: Google, Zappos, Southwest, Hewlett Packard, Xerox, W.L. Gore, DuPont, or Procter & Gamble. Use a variety of resources (company Website, newspaper, company blogs, etc.) to research the culture of the selected organization. Note: Use Question 6 as your conclusion. An abstract is not necessary for this assignment. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: 1.Provide a brief (one [1] paragraph) description of the organization you chose to research. 2.Examine the culture of the selected organization. 3.Explain how you determined that the selected organization showed the signs of the culture that you have identified. 4.Determine the factors that caused the organization to embody this particular culture. 5.Determine what type of leader would be best suited for this organization. Support your position. 6.Imagine that there is a decline in the demand of product(s) or services supplied by the selected organization. Determine what the change in culture would need to be in response to this situation. 7.Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: •Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. •Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Integrating Culture and Diversity in Decision Making: The CEO and Organizational Culture Profile
Google is an American Multinational company that was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998. It deals with services and products that are internet based and include online marketing through the services of AdWords; online advertisement through the AdSense platform; and storage of clientele information and data by the newly launched Cloud Computing platform (Sutherland, 2012). Google also supports services that entail productive software like the email in the form of Gmail; office suites like the Google Drive and most recently the social media platform of Google+. Their services also include offline solutions to consumers’ needs. For example, in the form of browsing apps such as the Google chrome, which help in browsing and caching web pages online; picture sorting and editing software such as the Picasa and finally, online searching sites i.e. google.com used for searching files and data online while YouTube is used for sharing videos and clips online.
Culture in Google
The culture at the prosperity and strong foundation that Google is known for is an Open culture. It focuses more on the users that the services are intended for and not the company (Forgang, 2004). When it comes to hire employees, the management brings onboard individuals who are focused and determined. To them, smart and abled individuals are better suited to Google’s work description than even those with experience but lack the two. The setting of the working areas of Google is more tailored for employees to access and tolerate their colleagues from different religious, cultural, or political background. This practice and set principal is a true reflection of the consumer base that Google has across the world, from America, Asian, African, South America to Europe and Australia.
The idea of each employee is given a chance and analyzed critically. The belief is that no idea is bad enough not to be heard (Flamholt & Randle, 2011). This practice led to the setting aside time from the daily work sessions, where employees are encouraged to come up with their craziest ideas as long as it is what interests them. Analysts have said that more than half of the products launched as of the year 2005 were because of this initiative, which goes by the name Innovation Time Off (Sutherland, 2012). Things get better with such innovations because the workplace has been designed in a way that encourages serious working without somebody being ...
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