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Centralized Training Function, Andragogy, and the Five Phases of Training Process Model

Essay Instructions:

Complete by answering the following essay and short-answer questions and compiling your answers into a word-processing document. Note: Essay questions require at least 2–3 paragraphs, with a brief introduction, supporting text, and conclusion.

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a centralized training function in an organization?

Advantages - (1) ownership of training by one organization; (2) elimination of course and program variation and duplication; (3) stronger alignment with business strategy; (4) development of a common set of metrics or scorecards to measure and report rates of quality and delivery; (5) streamlined processes; (6) cost advantage in purchasing training from vendors and consultants because of the number of trainees who will be involved; and (7) integration of programs for developing leaders and managing talent with training during times of change.

The most significant disadvantage is that the training function may not be in touch with the unique needs of different constituents.

the ability to respond quickly to client needs and provide high quality services

2. What are the principles of adult learning theory (andragogy) and their implications for training design and delivery?

Adults (according to Knowles' model): - Need to know why they need to learn something - Need to be self-directed - Bring more work-related experiences into the learning situation - Enter a learning experience with a problem-centered approach to learning - Are motivated to learn by both extrinsic and intrinsic motivators

Adults are apart of the training program designs for their jobs Adults are more interested in training programs that are immediately relevant to their own jobs Learning can be aided through experience Learning and teaching process is more centered on problem solving Implications: Learning process will be experimental not theoretical: adult learners will pull past experiences in their learning to lead towards success Teaching process will prove trainers give an encouraging collaborative environment for adults to learn in Training program will prove trainees are learning at the right time

Human capital: sum of attributes, life experiences, knowledge, inventiveness, energy, and enthusiasm

Intellectual capital: codified knowledge that exists in the company

Social capital: relationships among employees in the company

Customer capital: value of relationships with people/organizations outside of the company for accomplishing the goals for the company

3. List and describe the interrelationships among the five phases of the training process model.

The training process model consists of five phases: needs analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Needs analysis assesses the organizational and individual needs of the organization and its employees. Design involves designing the content, objectives, and resources needed for the training. Development involves creating the training materials and activities. Implementation involves delivering the training to the target audience. Evaluation assesses the effectiveness of the training and helps to identify areas for improvement.

• Explanationfor step 1

• Phase 1 - Needs Analysis: The first phase of the training process model is needs analysis. This phase involves assessing the organizational and individual needs of the organization and its employees. This is done by collecting data from various sources such as surveys, interviews, and focus groups. It is important to identify the needs of the organization and the individual so that the training can be tailored to meet those needs.

• Phase 2 - Design: During the design phase, the training materials and activities are developed. This includes designing the content, objectives, and resources needed for the training. It is important to make sure that the training design is appropriate for the target audience and aligns with the organization's goals and objectives.

• Phase 3 - Development: During the development phase, the training materials and activities are created. This includes developing the content, activities, and materials that will be used during the training. It is important to ensure that the materials and activities are appropriate for the target audience and align with the organization's goals and objectives.

• Phase 4 - Implementation: The implementation phase involves delivering the training to the target audience. This includes providing the training materials and activities to the participants. It is important to make sure that the training is delivered in an effective and efficient manner.

• Phase 5 - Evaluation: The evaluation phase involves assessing the effectiveness of the training. This includes collecting feedback from participants, assessing the impact of the training, and making sure that the training objectives were met. Evaluation can be done through surveys, interviews, or focus groups. It is important to evaluate the training to ensure that it was successful and to identify areas for improvement.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Modern Adult Learning and Training
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Adults are greatly concerned about leading successful lives and careers. Consequently, any training to educate them should confer some meaning to their lives or careers. Different methods can be used to train adults. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. In addition, there are interrelationships among the five phases of the training process model. Centralized training function offers unique advantages and disadvantages to adult learning; principles of andragogy have key implications on the design and delivery of training, while there are key interrelationships among the five phases of the training process mode.
Advantages and Disadvantages of a Centralized Training Function
One of the key advantages of centralized training is consistency. Personnel from different departments receive the same training, which could help increase accuracy and lead to high-quality work. Secondly, a centralized training setup is likely to be highly efficient. It is possible to consolidate training material and other resources. The consolidation is likely to lead to significant cost savings. Thirdly, employees receive standardized training leading to increased compatibility and ease of movement between departments (Kitivo & Kavulya, 2021). There are two main disadvantages to this form of training. First, it leads to generalized training, which may fail to cater to the unique needs of varied departments. Secondly, employees may find it hard to own the training as it is centralized. Evidence has shown that employees tend to own training done by their respective departments (Kitivo & Kavulya, 2021).
Principles of Andragogy and Implications for Training Design and Delivery
Adults are likely to appreciate learning if they are convinced that such learning is relevant to their life or work (Mews, 2020). Secondly, adults have varied ...
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