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Cell phone with Solar Battery

Essay Instructions:
This is a marketing project about cellphone with solar battery, such as battery of calculator. Industry Summary You need to have a good understanding of the industry and the market you are in. This will enable to you to gain a thorough understanding of all the factors that are going to affect your business. §  What is the industry you are in? §  Is it a new or emerging industry? §  How has it developed over time? §  What is the demand for your product/service? §  Is there any market segmentation?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Running Head: Cell phone with Solar Battery
Cell phone with Solar Battery
Name of the Student
There has been an increased use on phones. Unlike before where phones were used to receive and make calls, they are now used as music players, cameras and for games among many other needs. This has in turn led to increased need for the batteries. With the electrically charged batteries it means that one has to be in access of electricity and wait for a long time for the phone to be charged. This can prove futile especially when one is traveling thus the emergence of the phones which have a solar battery.
On June 2010, Samsung became the first to launch a solar powered mobile phone. The phone was known as Solar Guru E1107 and with time it has launched Blu-Earth a solar powered all touch screen cell phone. This phone has a built in eco-mode that is environmental friendly and presents data on number of trees saved. The solar panel takes the rear face of the cell phone. Its body is made of plastic recovered from water bottles which makes it eco-friendly and the entire package is free of harmful substances. Cell phone packaging is small and light made from recycled papers
Solar powered cell phones have proved to revolutionize the third world. This is because most of the people in these countries have no access to electricity due to its high costs. The technology has proved worthwhile to farmers because they can be able to check on market prices before making a decision on which crops to sow, communicate to their buyers while they are in the fields and also get weather forecasts. In this day and age farmers are using cell phones to know about the trends in the market to avoid exploitation by the middlemen and this is happening in areas such as Bangladesh (Reuter’s et. al.)
The emergence of this technology has brought economic growth and a rise in the purchase of mobile phone which is an advantage to the cell phone makers and the operators. Since most people Africa, have no access to electricity while fortuitously they live in areas where there is sun the cell phones with solar battery has proved favorable. (Fast Company)
In the former years there was the mounting of solar panels on rooftops to be used by those who did not have access to electricity. Moreove...
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