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Business, Operational, and Market Efficacy Investigation of Tesla Incorporation

Essay Instructions:


This assignment builds on the entire course journey, focusing on a particular organization you select to assist by associating your learning from the course to develop your marketing, new product development, and innovation capabilities. The organization can be for-profit, non-profit, or a government agency located anywhere in the world, as long as you prepare for this assignment thoroughly, with the support of relevant literature and external sources, and preferably interviewing someone from the company.

The assignment aims to associate your newly captured insights with an organization of your choice. Choose an organization you are passionate about that could do with your expertise. Consider this an excellent opportunity to reflect and advise the chosen organization in growing its design thinking and innovation capacity in times of considerable uncertainty.


Please complete the following tasks:

Review all course materials and team assignment-related materials again.

Explore and decide on a target organization you are excited about and want to advise.

Make a deep dive market research based on published materials, observation, and personal email or live interviews to scope a significant problem worth solving in the organization context.

The problem could relate to something the organization could do significantly better.

Based on research findings, design a novel and intriguing solution by applying design and business thinking described in the course and other materials covered.

Write all this in an executive-level advisory report, which your target company can use as a base for action in their next leadership meeting.

Remember to reference actively written and interviewed sources.


Cover with heading and name, max six pages of pure text with page numbering and subheadings as requested: professional document with APA references, unlimited number of complete appendices including relevant and readable tables, graphs, images, etc. Font 12, 1.0 spacing, and standard margins.

Note: executives are busy people who crave evidence to make sound decisions, so ensure you stick to the core, reference, and if you need more pages, refer to relevant appendices in the main text.

Before starting this assignment, check the rubric for what determines a quality contribution.

You are expected to submit a detailed description of your problem-solution set for the chosen organization by referring actively to relevant sources to strengthen your problem argument and then responding to the following critical areas of importance (use these headings):

Introduction and Problem Statement: Introduce the paper by leading the reading to the theme, the problem, and critical findings, along with a brief document flow overview. Remember to briefly introduce your chosen organization and any key stakeholders you plan to advise.

Market Research: Identify and define the problem area based on your research findings regarding currency, relevancy, and societal and business significance (actively referenced, both academically and professionally).

Associate to course learnings: Apply the skill of associating as described in the course materials by identifying critical insights from the course and your individual and small group work. Discuss these essential insights and use them as inspiration when describing how they can help develop a solution to the organization's current problem. As you may recall, associating is the idea that you borrow ideas from one area and then use them as inspiration in another.

The Problem-Solution Fit: Describe your solution and provide evidence to the extent possible that it solves the problem as defined in this paper.

Concluding Discussion: Conclude by arguing, based on your newly gathered research and analyzed intelligence, why solving this problem is worthwhile, especially from a business and data collection perspective. Why is it novel and fresh, despite potential competition / alternative solutions? Finally, list concrete actions for your client to proceed and succeed in building a state-of-the-art solution.

Personal Reflection: Discuss critical findings from this assignment and the course at large for yourself; what was most valuable learning? Discuss how you enhanced your knowledge throughout the course.

Reference List


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business, Operational, and Market Efficacy Investigation of Tesla Incorporation
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Business, Operational, and Market Efficacy Investigation of Tesla Incorporation
Introduction and Problem Statement
In recent years, the automobile sector in the USA and the world has been characterized by several business trends. These trends include a shift towards electric vehicles (EVs), the increasing importance of autonomous driving technology, and the growing demand for more sustainable and environmentally friendly cars. Various factors have driven these trends, including government regulations, changing consumer preferences, and technological advances. One company at the forefront of these trends is Tesla, Inc. Founded in 2003 by Elon Musk, Tesla is a leading manufacturer of electric vehicles and clean energy products. The company has gained widespread recognition for its innovative approach to vehicle design, advanced battery technology, and efforts to promote sustainable transportation.
Tesla's operations focus on producing high-quality electric vehicles, including the Model S, Model X, Model 3, and Model Y. In addition to its vehicles, Tesla has energy storage systems, solar panels, and related products to promote clean energy solutions. Despite its many successes, Tesla faces challenges in the current business environment. One of the key challenges the company is currently facing is supply chain disruptions, which the COVID-19 pandemic has caused. The pandemic has led to shortages of critical components, such as semiconductors, essential for producing electric vehicles (Zhou, 2023). Concerning the supply chain issues in Tesla, I will further my suggestion to the company's suppliers, supply chain managers, and operational managers. The automobile sector is changing significantly, driven by shifting consumer preferences, regulatory pressures, and technological advancements. Tesla is well-positioned to capitalize on these trends, but the company must remain vigilant despite its many challenges. By staying focused on innovation, sustainability, and operational excellence, Tesla can thrive in the dynamic and ever-changing automotive market.
Market Research
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted global supply chains, and the automobile industry has not been immune to these disruptions (Appendix 1). Tesla, as a leading manufacturer of electric vehicles, has been particularly affected by supply chain issues in the post-pandemic period. The problem area in Tesla concerning supply chain issues is primarily related to the shortage of critical components, such as semiconductors and raw materials (White, 2023). The semiconductor shortage has been particularly acute, as these components are essential for producing electric vehicles. The drought has been caused by a combination of factors, including increased demand for electronics during the pandemic, factory shutdowns, and disruptions in transportation and logistics.
According to a recent report by Bloomberg, the semiconductor shortage has led to production cuts at Tesla's factories in California and China. The report suggests that the deficit could result in a significant revenue loss for Tesla, as the company may be unable to meet the growing demand for its electric vehicles (Silva, 2021). Another issue related to supply chain disruptions is the impact on delivery times. Delays in the delivery of critical components have led to longer lead times for the production of electric vehicles, which has, in turn, led to delays in customer deliveries. This has been a significant problem for Tesla, as the company has a reputation for fast and efficient delivery times. The relevancy of this problem is substantial, given that supply chain disruptions are not unique to Tesla but are affecting the entire automobile industry. In a recent report by the consulting firm Deloitte, the automotive sector was identified as one of the most vulnerable industries to supply chain disruptions caused by the pandemic (McKay, 2020). One of the primary issues Tesla has faced is a shortage of battery cells, a key component in electric cars. The company has been working to increase its production capacity for battery cells but has faced challenges in securing the necessary materials and finding qualified suppliers.
As shown in Appendix 2, Tesla has faced a shortage of semiconductors used in various car electronic components. This shortage has affected the entire automotive industry but has hit Tesla particularly hard due to its reliance on technology and software in its vehicles. In addition to these specific issues, Tesla has faced broader challenges in managing its supply chain. The company has multiplied recently and struggled to meet product demand (Armstrong & Richter, 2022). This has led to bottlenecks and delays in the production process, affecting the company's ability to deliver vehicles on time. To address these issues, Tesla has been working to diversify its supply chain and reduce its reliance on one supplier. The company has also invested heavily in its production capacity, including constructing new factories and developing new technologies. Despite these efforts, Tesla's supply chain issues will likely continue for the foreseeable future. The global economy faces numerous challenges, including trade tensions and supply chain disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The societal significance of this problem is also notable, given that electric vehicles play an essential role in promoting sustainability and reducing carbon emissions. By delaying the production and delivery of electric vehicles, supply chain disruptions can slow the transition to a low-carbon economy and hinder efforts to combat climate change. From a business perspective, the significance of the supply chain problem for Tesla is also clear (Zhou, 2023). The company has set ambitious production targets for the coming years and has invested heavily in expanding its production capacity. Any significant production delays could lead to revenue loss, damage to the company's reputation, and a loss of market share to competitors.
Research findings on this problem area have been varied, but many experts agree that supply chain disruptions are a significant challenge facing Tesla and the automobile industry more broadly. A recent report by the research firm IHS Markit highlights the critical role of semiconductors in electric vehicle production and suggests that the shortage of these components will likely persist into 2022. Another consulting firm, McKinsey & Company report identifies several strategies companies can use to mitigate supply chain risks post-pandemic (McKay, 2020). These strategies include diversifying suppliers, investing in digital technologies, and collaborating with partners to increase resilience and flexibility in the supply chain. To address the supply chain problem, Tesla has been taking several steps to mitigate the impact of the semiconductor shortage. The company has been working to diversify its supply chain and increase its in-house manufacturing capabilities for critical components. The company has also been investing in research and development to improve its battery technology and increase the efficiency of its production processes.
Tesla and Rolls-Royce are two well-known companies that operate in very different industries. Tesla is an American electric vehicle and clean energy company, while Rolls-Royce is a British luxury car and aircraft engine manufacturer. These companies differ in their supply chain management strategies, with Tesla having experienced some mismanagement issues while Rolls-Royce has been praised for its efficient supply chain management practices. As shown in Appendix 3, due to poor supply chain issues, the company's overall productivity has declined worldwide (Armstrong & Richter, 2022). On the other hand, Rolls-Royce has been praised for its efficient supply chain management practices. The company's well-structured supply chain enables it to produce high-quality products efficiently. Rolls-Royce has developed strong relationships with its suppliers and works closely with them to ensure they meet the company's high standards. The company also uses advanced technologies such as data analytics and automation to optimize its supply chain processes. One key difference between the two companies is their approach to supplier management. Tesla has been criticized for its aggressive negotiations with suppliers, which has led to strained relationships and delivery problems (Wang et al., 2021).
Tesla is a leading electric vehicle and clean energy company known for its innovative technology and sustainability efforts. However, like any other company, Tesla has faced supply chain issues that have affected its production and delivery of vehicles. This article will discuss the efficacy and outcome of supply chain issues at Tesla. Tesla has been facing supply chain issues for many years, and these issues have been mainly related to the shortage of critical components such as batteries, semiconductors, and raw materials. For example, in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic caused a shortage of semiconductors globally, leading to production slowdowns and disruptions in the automotive industry, including Tesla (Lamba & Elahi, 2012). In addition, the company has also faced challenges in securing the supply of critical raw materials such as lithium and nickel for its batteries, which are essential for producing electric vehicles. For example, the shortage of semiconductors has led to production slowdowns, which have affected Tesla's ability to meet customer demand and generate revenue. In addition, supply chain disruptions have also led to increased production costs, which have impacted the company's profitability. Tesla has been relatively successful in managing its supply chain issues, but these issues have negatively impacted its profitability. The company's ability to mitigate the impact of supply chain disruptions has been due to its diversification of the supplier base, inventory management, and just-in-time manufacturing approach.
The problem area in Tesla concerning supply chain issues is a significant challenge that the company and the automobile industry, more broadly, face in the post-pandemic period. The shortage of critical components, such as semiconductors, has led to production cuts, delays in customer deliveries, and revenue loss. The relevancy, societal and business significance of this problem is notable, given the critical role of electric vehicles in promoting sustainability and reducing carbon emissions. The electric car manufacturer Tesla has faced numerous supply chain issues. These problems have resulted in delays in the production and delivery of vehicles and increased costs for the company.
Associate to Course Learnings
One critical insight from the course that can be applied to Tesla's current supply chain problem is the importance of innovation and the Lean new product development cycle. Tesla's supply chain problem can be traced back to its rapid growth and the challenges of scaling its operations efficiently. The company's production processes have become increasingly complex, and supply chain (Wang et al., 2021) bottlenecks have led to delays and production issues. Applying the principles of the Lean new product development cycle can help Tesla streamline its supply chain and improve its operational efficiency (Totterman, 2023 A). Lean product development is a methodology that focuses on reducing waste and improving efficiency in the product development process. It emphasizes the need for continuous improvement and the importance of involving cross-functional teams in the development cycle.
On the other hand, Tesla's current supply chain issue revolves around its inability to source raw materials and parts necessary for manufacturing electric cars. This issue has led to production delays and a decline in sales. The lean product development cycle could have helped Tesla to mitigate its current supply chain issue (Pessôa & Trabasso, 2016). One of the primary objectives of lean product development is to i...
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