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Report Business Idea: Home-Based Catering

Essay Instructions:

Part 1 – REPORT : Product/Service Overview, Positioning, Environmental Analysis, etc.

The report should be approx 1000 words.

- Detailed description of your new product/service concept.

- What need(s) is your product/service attempting to satisfy? 

- What is your competitive advantage(s) (i.e. what point(s)-of-difference will you be promoting?)

- Outline the one most significant trend that could affect the success of your product idea (choose from demographic, socio-cultural, economic, technological, competitive and regulatory).

- Description of your proposed target market team(s) using both demographic and psychographic profiles.

- Detail the marketing mix (4 P’s) related to your product/service.

- A visual concept of your product/service idea in mock-up form (e.g. drawing, user interface, etc.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Report Business Idea: Home-Based Catering
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Report Business Idea: Home-Based Catering
The new service concept of this research is the home-based catering and food delivery service. Home-based catering services focuses on families who wish to enjoy some of the favorite foods at the comfort of their homes. Some people prefer eating in restaurants because such eateries provide them with a variety of foods that is exotically prepared for their desires. The home-based catering service provides such people with an opportunity to enjoy the foods at the comfort of their homes. An individual who wishes to enjoy a specific type of food will send request the services. We shall then visit such people and prepare the foods for them in their homes.
The Need the Service is Attempting to Satisfy
COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected the restaurant sector like many other industries around the world. The pandemic ruled out the dine-out options that many people loved. Instead, families have been forced to adopt to a new approach of ordering foods through food delivery services. After placing their order, the members have to wait for the food to be brought. The challenge is that the clients do not get an opportunity to decide how they wish their food to be prepared. Our home-based catering service will provide such services at the convenience of the client’s home. In the event that the customer wishes to get a readily prepared meal, our company will also provide the services at their convenience.
Competitive Advantage
In the modern business environment that is characterized by stiff competition, traditional catering services are not enough to provide a restaurant with a competitive advantage over the competition. Instead, there is a need to focus on improving customer experience during the consumption. Our business will utilize service differentiation optimally to increase the chances of competitive advantage. It will focus on delivering a variety of foods that satisfy the customers taste. For a better experience, the business will contact chefs who specialize in preparing foods from different cultures to tap in the market of those who wish to enjoy their traditional foods in a foreign nation.
Significant Trend that Could Affect the Business
A significant trend that is likely to affect the business operations is the increasing competition in the market. More restaurants are embracing the idea of home-deliveries as the only way to serve their customers. However, these businesses are likely to begin exploring other approaches such as the home-based catering services. This business will counter this threat by expanding the variety of foods to offer and targeting different groups of people, including the minority gr...
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