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Business Ethics: The Environment and Sustainability

Essay Instructions:

Business Ethics

From Document Attached ("Business Ethics: Readings and Cases in Corporate Morality")- explore the topic of "The Environment and sustainability" ( Part 4: p514- 552).

Here below are the instructions:

Please write a paper that explores "The Environment and sustainability". You may also incorporate a relevant case study from the textbook that applies to your topic (textbook is attached as mentioned above).

You are also encouraged to find relevant academic articles that support research from the readings, that also further explore the topic.

It is expected that the responses are clearly written and organised, concise, grammatically correct, analytically sound, and demonstrate a thorough, applied understanding of the reading assignments.

This written submission will be 2,000 words =/- 10% in length and should demonstrate a careful, applied understanding of the assigned readings as well as some independent research into the subject area.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business Ethics
Due Date
The Environment and Sustainability
Ethical companies appreciate the significance of undertaking business by being mindful of the social welfare, and they recognize that by being ethical, the business thrives and customers are more satisfied while employee turnover decreases as well.
Ethics is concerned with implementing an ethical structure to the way businesses operate. Ethical perspectives have a significant influence on businesses operations since it shapes how the organization handles marketing strategies and human resources issues. Business ethics consists of both descriptive and normative components. Business ethics has two facets; the normative and the descriptive aspect. normative aspect is devoted to understanding how your and your employees' behavior in relation to cultural aspects or social upbringing. For example, if through your life you have found yourself to be disciplined with money, it is because of the strong saving culture and values that were instilled to you by your guardians or parents while growing up. Understanding how your beliefs and attitudes affect the decisions you make as a business person is the crucial component to normative ethics for entrepreneurs. The descriptive aspect, on the other hand, is focused on how the management of the company integrate best business practices into the organization’s culture.
Integrating principles into business must be done with a great appreciation and recognition for other people's points of view. When considering incorporating a moral code into your business, you evaluate yourself by determining whether certain principles assist help the business make better connections with my workers or customers; whether certain principles eventually assist the organization in increasing its income and its bottom line; whether the business will suffer any consequences if it does not conform to certain principles. If the response is negative to any of these issues, you may well have a valid excuse to refrain from conforming the ethical standards. Because all of organizations workers and clients come from different cultural and social backgrounds, implementing ethical principles and practices need to be done with caution.
Business ethics
Businesses causes a lot of harm the environment by exploiting natural resources and disposing of waste. All of this occurs inside an ecological setting where organism inter-depend on each other. A pond, for example, is an ecosystem that has a wide range of living organism that live in a complicated network of reliance and interrelatedness. Many businesses dump toxic waste into waterbodies, such as ponds. Although, sometimes dumping waste maybe harmless to the environment, large volumes of waste could become poisonous to some organisms. Many fish may perish if the pollutants kill specific plants in a pond. This, in turn, may cause outrage among fishermen who earn a living by fishing in bodies of water. All of the harm caused to the waterbody, fish, and fishermen is referred to as spillover costs borne by 3rd parties (Hoffman et al., 2014). Trades typical involves two parties exchanging a commodity in return of an agreed consideration, however, other people and wildlife are sometimes directly affected in a negative way as a result of business transactions.
 It is always wrong to enter ecological environment and endanger living organisms.   It's nearly impossible to avoid harming the environment while at the same at the same time extracting resources from it. Businesses are dependent environment’s resources to obtain valuable products for trade. So many businesses have had no option except to discharge waste and pollute in some way (Gray, 2011). Although waste should be disposed in a safe way While trying to do business and simply trying to make a reasonable profit, it is virtuously desirable to do so as little as possible. It is possible for a business to lose all of its profits in order to preserve the environment, but it appears unreasonable to believe that all businesses must also lose all of their profits in order to preserve the environment (Gray, 2011). There may be some businesses that are so ineffective or hazardous that they should not exist at all, but many businesses that pollute the environment do so because it is necessary to meet our needs.
The global climate is influenced by both forces of nature and human activities. The greenhouse effect occurs when solar energy passes through a planet's atmosphere and warms the surface of the earth, but the atmosphere hinders the heat from going back  to space, leading to global warming. Greenhouse hydrocarbons include moisture from the air, carbon monoxide, smog, and other airborne pollutants (Brown, 2001). Without the warming of the planet, there would have been no life on Earth as we know it. Some emissions are produced as a due to human activity, resulting in an increase in greenhouse gases. human-caused greenhouse emission include carbon dioxide (Co2), hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, and aerosol substances. Human activities have changed the chemical atmospheric composition, causing the earth's climate to change (Brown, 2001). Over the last two centuries, emission levels from automobiles, power stations, and other human discoveries have resulted in a 30 percentage increase in the natural co2 concentration in the atmosphere and a more than 100 percentage increment in the atmospheric concentration of methane (Brown, 2001). Since the 1950’s, when measurements began, the average global temperature has risen by more than 0.55°C (Brown, 2001). Therefore, environmental degradation has is catching up with us.
In addition, Global warming poses the greatest threat to the health of the world's poor. Climate change is projected to kill a large number of people in the world's poorest countries. Significant increase in cardiovascular and respiratory death rates and illness are expected in some regions due to an increase in the duration and intensity of extreme heat. Indirect consequences of climate change, which are predicted to prevalent, include rises in vector-borne infectious disease transmission as a result of vector organisms' geographical range and season being extended.
These environmental con...
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