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Business and Christian Worldview Marketing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

List three generally accepted business practices that are inconsistent with a Christian

Worldview as defined in the Bible. How should a Christian deal with/react to these

practices? At least 3 complete pages (no less).

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Business and Christian Worldview
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Business and Christian Worldview
Business practices processes that are applied by a corporate in the quest of its objectives. They are essential in ensuring that a business retains and develops; without them, a corporate could end up facing diverse challenges or even close down. A company ought to have a positive effect on its immediate environment and the persons that reside in the community by generating occupations and performing a substantial role in the social, political, and economical well-being of the community as a whole. Corporations that have well-laid practices are in a position of establishing long-term relationships with the clients they operate with (Emerson & McKinney, 2009). This is the basis of a solid business. Although business practices are vital, Christians view particular practices as unethical unless executed accordingly. Some of these practices include advertising, profit making, and cost-cutting as outlined below.
The main goal of establishing any business is to make a profit. Nevertheless, biblical view argues that when the process of making a profit is executed wrongly, that is unethical. Moreover, it claims that the main aim of instituting a business could be to serve the people (Wong & Rae, 2011). If entrepreneurs primarily concentrate on making a profit and not good quality and service to the t to be clients, that is unethical. In the biblical view, profit ought to be employed as a method of gauging success in the field of business. The wider scope of Biblical teaching offers people with a substitute vision, arguing that people act in alignment with God’s mission (Wong & Rae, 2011). Therefore, individuals work ought to operate with God’s transformative task of human success. For that reason, people should view business practices as a way of serving God; by providing services to the public, this is service to God. Business persons ought not to be profit-oriented instead they should focus on providing services to the public.
While profit is essential to attain developments in the corporate domain, nothing shows that it ought to be a conclusion in itself or applied as a key metric of victory (Wong & Rae, 2011). Consistent with the God’s work, individuals ought to inquire how their work improves people’s lives and their associations, with God, and natural environment. Although this would sound immature, particular historical viewpoints would aid. While profit-making ought not to be the chief goal for Christians in businesses, re-visualizing companies as a mission to serve God besides the nearby persons would offer particular earthly recompenses (Dupree, 2015). Christians in business face challenges in ensuring that they abide by the biblical view of corporates. It is evident in the biblical view of business that even work without profit should be upheld at times; nonetheless, commercial work cannot develop with making a profit. As a Christian, it is advisable to abide by a biblical view of executing business activities. Additionally, they must ensure that that they do not c...
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