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Business Check Up: SSM Health-Saint Mary Hospital

Essay Instructions:

My company is SSM health-Saint Mary Hospital
Using the Business Ethics Check-Up Worksheet you completed in Week 5 of the course, write a 3-5 page paper analyzing your Business Check-Up Worksheet and how you would improve the ethical policies/procedures of your company. Your instructor will provide feedback, and your final paper is due during Week 8. Below is the grading breakdown of this assignment:
Purpose (10 points)
Content of policies and recommendations (50 points)*
Organization (10 points)
Feel and tone (10 points)
Grammar/spelling (10 points)
Length requirement (5 points)
Use and quality of references in APA (5 points)
Note: The majority of your paper should focus on recommendations on how you would improve the ethical policies/procedures of your company.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business Check Up
Students Name
Institutional Affiliation
SSM-Health saint Mary Hospital has been according in accordance with its ethical code. However some of its actions proof that the company does not fully follow the code of ethics. Therefore, below are some of the recommendations that the hospital can implement in regard to its code of ethics in order to ensure the smooth running its activities.
Given the fact that some of the employees does not take part in the end year ethic survey, then the management should implement a regulation to ensure that all the employees participate in the survey. As a result, this will make it easy for the hospital to identify the areas that need improvements in regard to the ethical codes. In addition to this, the company should ensure that the trainings are taken seriously. Furthermore workers that fail to attend them, should face a penalty. By doing this all staff will be solely responsible for their attendance to these trainings.
The management should ensure that all the workshops are engineered to focus on the real life situations that face the staff. Also, the workers should participate in the tailoring of the workshops, because they are the ones the workshops aim at. When workers take part in making the training manual and set up they end up covering most of the acts that affects them. Hence, making them more effective.
Employees can be awarded incentives for having best ethical practices. And those that are making less ethical strides, according to merit should be encouraged through a counseling based class to appreciate the importance of being ethical. Through this set of strategies, all employees develop a sense of awareness in ethical practices and will eventually embrace the need to be ethical.
Employees should be made to follow laws and respect equality and promoting of fair working environment for people of all creed, race color and different ethnic fractions. Stiffer penalties should be effected to those that break these laws. Termination of contracts to those that violate these ethic laws or stern warnings given. This would mandate the staff to practice safe ethic practices.
Mangers should be mandated to appreciate and work on the workers inputs towards ethics. Managers being unruly and ignorant of the staffs input should be answerable and held responsible according to the laws and practices of the firm. All inputs from the workers should be monitored to ensure that they are attended to in due time.
Managers should be made to portray moral upright lives even in their personal lives. All managers’ area representation of the firm’s leadership image. On recruitment of managers of promotion of staff to managers, an individual’s ethic record should be highly considered before hiring them.
The holistic 360-degree perspective of an employee should be paramount and always enforced when it comes to ethics. Their concerns and views are project clearly under such tools and it would be tragic to ignore them. The managers or a set up position should enforce and encourage the views and perspective of the employees. By appreciating this a step towards ethic sanity will be made.
A proper channel that describes the punishment according to the magnitude of the faults made should be established. All reports of unethical misconducts should be followed up and dealt with using the proper actions. Neglect of punishing the defaulters should be punished too. By ensuring this an all-round tool to curb the ethical menace would have been forged (Pullen & Rhodes, 2014).
Employee’s satisfactory surveys should be carried out periodically to determine job fulfillment among the personnel. And each report should be examined against the employees personal work improvements. With that sort of evaluation it would be easier to monitor changes easily in the workforce. Trends and patterns can be easily noted and remedies to problems found through this data.
The go getters and problem solvers that are at the top of their game deserve chances and opportunities given to them, because they deserve them by merit. Perks should also be added to all those that show positive aggression in performing their roles. With that said all staff will have a reason to be ethically upright. This should be considered as good tool for motivating the staff. This will end up promoting of staff according to merit (Bruce, Smith, Tawose & Sharp, 2014).
Fence sitters, should be kept on toes by periodically incr...
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