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Business & Marketing
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Answer questions: Business and Marketing

Essay Instructions:

Short Answer – 100 words each. 1. Explain how training relates to attracting new employees, employee retention, and motivation. 2. If you had to conduct a needs assessment for a new job at a new manufacturing plant, describe the method you would use. 3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each of the following designs: posttest-only, pretest/posttest comparison group, pretest/posttest only? 4. What is behavior modeling? What are the strengths and weaknesses of this approach? 5. What can companies do to ensure that tuition reimbursement programs are worth the investment?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business and Marketing
Training is one of the aspects that the human resources have to deal with in respect to staff and achievement of the objectives. When organisations train their employees, it is because they want to sharpen their skills. New employees are attracted to organisations that train their staff as they have an assurance they can advance their career with better skills.For the staffs that are already working in such an organisation, they feel appreciated and would rather stay on. This creates the kind of motivation that would make the staff to stay with an organisation. At the same time, the staffs have the motivation to work harder, as it also means they get to develop their career and their skills.
When assessing the needs of a new job at a new manufacturing plant there are several aspects that would have to come into play. One of the aspects that would be considered in the needs assessment for the new job would be the possibility of growth in the near future. Most organisations do not give their employees a chance to develop in their career. The other need assessment would relate to the organisation’s policies in training their employee ( HYPERLINK "/search?tbo=p&tbm=bks&q=inauthor:%22Peter+L.+Bonate%22&source=gbs_metadata_r&cad=9" Bonate, 2010). This is an aspect that closely relates to career development. Through training, staffs have the chance to develop their skills and ultimately their career.Thirdly, the long-term objectives of the company would have to matching with the personal long-term objectives, for there to be synchronous achievement and drive.
The posttest-only research design advantages include the fact that it has a control group and at the same time it has a randomised assignment. However, due to the fact that the participants of the control groups are not randomised, one cannot be sure that the groups have been equated. At the same time, the design does not cater for differential selection, additives, differential attrition and the effects of interaction. Pretest/posttest comparison group, like the previous research design also has the control group, to ensure validity. At the same time...
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