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Building a Great Social Venture: The Boys and Girls Clubs of America (BGCA)

Essay Instructions:

A1: Building a Great Social Venture

***(I’ll take Boys and Girls Club)****

Weighting (% of final grade): 40%


Coordinate with your team before starting this individual assignment to decide who explores which of the following Massachusetts-based organizations. Only one person per one of these organizations. Each of them is known to provide support and care for malnourished children in Massachusetts to access healthy food and improve their health and well-being.

Boston Children's Hospital: This is one of the largest pediatric medical centers in the United States, providing many medical and social services for children and families.

Boys and Girls Club: This organization offers after-school programs, sports leagues, and summer camps to help children reach their full potential.

The Children's HealthWatch: The Children's HealthWatch is a research and policy organization that works to improve young children's and their families' health and well-being. They research the causes and consequences of undernutrition and advocate for policies that address food insecurity and promote healthy eating.

Cradles to Crayons: This organization provides needy children with essential items like clothing, school supplies, and toys.

The Home for Little Wanderers: This organization provides services to help children and families facing trauma, mental health issues, and poverty.

The Greater Boston Food Bank: The Greater Boston Food Bank is the largest hunger-relief organization in New England, distributing over 60 million pounds of food to people in need each year. They partner with over 500 local food pantries, soup kitchens, and other programs serving malnourished children and families.

The Massachusetts WIC Program: The Massachusetts WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) program provides nutrition education, healthy food, and support for low-income pregnant women, new mothers, and children up to age five who are at nutritional risk.

No Kid Hungry Massachusetts: No Kid Hungry Massachusetts is a campaign of Share Our Strength, a national organization that works to end childhood hunger. They work with schools and community organizations to provide children with free meals and increase access to healthy food.

Project Bread: Project Bread is a non-profit organization that works to improve access to healthy food for Massachusetts residents, including malnourished children. They offer free meals for children during the summer and operate a food source hotline that helps connect families to food resources.

FoodCorps: FoodCorps is a non-profit organization that works towards creating healthy food environments for children in schools and communities. The organization's mission is to connect kids to healthy food in schools, improve their nutrition education, and promote overall well-being through access to healthy, fresh, and locally grown food.


Objective: This assignment aims to analyze and learn more about one of the above non-profit organizations and the market/industry it operates in.


Before starting this assignment, check the rubric to determine a quality contribution.

Agree with your team who studies which non-profit organization from the list above (only one person per organization).

Conduct extensive in-depth research to understand the market/industry the non-profit organization operates.

Analyze the non-profit organization's mission, vision, values, goals, and strategies.

Evaluate the organization's performance, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Assess the organization's marketing and fundraising strategies.

Provide recommendations on how the organization can improve its performance and achieve its goals.

Suggest how the organization and someone like Sodexo can create win-win-win opportunities, where society wins when these two organizations collaborate to fulfill their social missions.

Use credible sources to support your analysis and recommendations.


Written report: A comprehensive report that covers the above instructions. The information should be well-organized and written. It should include a cover page, executive summary, introduction, main body, conclusion, and references. The report should be between three and five pages, 1.5-spaced, and 12-point Times New Roman font.

Presentation: Once submitted, you will present your key findings to the rest of your team, as the individual assignments are foundational for the weekend journey.

Grading: The assignment will be graded based on the following criteria:

Content (40%): The report and presentation should demonstrate a clear understanding of the non-profit organization and the market/industry it operates in. The analysis should be well-supported with credible sources. The recommendations should be practical and feasible.

Organization (20%): The report should be well-organized and easy to follow. The presentation should be clear and concise.

Style and mechanics (20%): The report and presentation should be well-written and error-free.

Creativity and originality (20%): The report and presentation should demonstrate creativity and imagination in the analysis and recommendations.

Note: Please cite all sources used in the report and presentation properly. Use APA format for in-text citations and reference lists.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Building a Great Social Venture
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Executive Summary
The Boys and Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) is a national organization dedicated to improving the lives of young people through various programs and services. This report evaluates and analyzes the BGCA's mission, vision, values, goals, and strategies. The information also includes assessing the organization's performance, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. An assessment of the BGCA's performance revealed several strengths, including its national presence, diverse programming, and partnerships with major corporations (BGCA-Aboutus, 2022). The organization also has several weaknesses, including limited resources and the challenge of serving various young people with varying needs. Opportunities for the BGCA include expanding its reach to underserved communities and partnering with businesses to provide new resources and funding. Threats to the organization include competition from other youth organizations and changes in funding sources. To improve its performance and achieve its goals, the BGCA can focus on developing innovative programming that meets the diverse needs of young people. The organization can also leverage its partnerships with major corporations to secure additional resources and funding. The BGCA can also invest in technology to improve communication with young people and their families and track program outcomes and impact.
Building a Great Social Venture
The Boys and Girls Clubs of America was founded in 1860 as the Boys Club of New York. The organization started to provide a safe and positive environment for young boys at risk of joining street gangs. Over the years, the organization expanded its services to include girls and teenagers, and in 1990, it changed its name to the Boys and Girls Club of America (BGCA-Aboutus, 2022). The Boys and Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) has a range of marketing and fundraising strategies to increase awareness of its programs and services and raise funds to support its mission. This essay will focus on the critical evaluation and assessment of BGCA.
BGCA's Evaluation
The Boys and Girls Clubs of America's mission is to enable all young people, especially those who need it most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens (BGCA-Mission, 2022). The organization accomplishes this by providing safe and positive environments, fostering positive relationships with adults and peers, and offering programs that support academic success, healthy lifestyles, and character development.
The BGCA's image is to ensure that all young people have access to high-quality programs and services that promote their development and success. The organization aims to lead youth development by providing innovative and effective programs responsive to the changing needs of young people and their communities.
The BGCA's values are based on the belief that all young people have the potential to succeed and deserve access to opportunities that enable them to do so. The organization values inclusivity, respect, and empathy and is committed to fostering a sense of belonging and connection among young people.
The BGCA's goals are aligned with its mission and vision. The organization aims to provide safe and positive environments, build strong relationships between young people and caring adults, and offer high-quality programs that promote academic success, healthy lifestyles, and character development. Additionally, the organization seeks to expand its reach and impact by increasing its capacity to serve more young people and building strategic partnerships with other organizations.
The BGCA uses various methods to achieve its goals, including program development and delivery, fundraising, advocacy, and partnerships. The organization develops evidence-based programs tailored to each community's needs. It also relies on private donations, corporate partnerships, and government grants to fund its programs and services (BGCA-Aboutus, 2022). Additionally, the organization engages in advocacy efforts to promote policies and programs that support young people's development and success.
The BGCA has a strong track record of supporting young people's development and success. According to the organization's 2020 annual report, it served over 4.6 million young people across the United States, including over 5,300 military-connected youth. Additionally, the organization reported that 91% of its members indicated they achieved better grades because of their involvement in Boys and Girls Clubs programs (BGCA-Mission, 2022). The organization also said that 85% of its members reported engaging in regular physical activity, and 81% reported feeling like they belonged at their club.
SWOT Analysis
The Boys and Girls Clubs of America has several powers, including its widespread presence across the United States, evidence-based programs, and strong partnerships with corporations and government agencies (Wieland et al., 2020). The organization's ability to tailor its programs to each community's specific needs is also a significant strength.
One weakness of the BGCA is its reliance on private donations and government grants to fund its programs and services. This funding model can be unpredictable and subject to political and economic changes. Additionally, the organization's focus on after-school programs may limit its impact on young people who cannot attend clubs during those hours.
The Boys and Girls Clubs of America has several options to expand its impact and reach. One option is to increase its focus on digital programs and services, which can get young people who may not have access to physical club locations (Wieland et al., 2020). Additionally, the organization can continue to build strategic partnerships with corporations, government agencies, and other organizations to expand its funding base and increase its impact.
One significant threat to the BGCA is the potential for decreased government funding for youth development programs. Additionally, the organization may face increased competition from other youth-focused organizations, which could limit its ability to attract donors and volunteers. The organization may also face challenges adapting its programs and services to the changing needs of young people and their communities.
Marketing Strategies
Social Media
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