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Brand Voice of Adidas

Essay Instructions:

A brand voice is distinctive, human, appealing to persona and delivered consistently. Wendy's is a great example of having a differentiated and highly successful brand voice. Slim Jim is another example of a brand that leaned into development of a voice / personality to differentiate and grow their social presence.

1) Share with the class the brand you think has a strong brand voice. 2) Tell us the three descriptors of that brand voice 3) if you can figure out, who are they marketing to?


One brand that I think has a strong voice is Lululemon.

1. One of Lululemon's pimary focuses is health. This company prioritizes the importance of working out to feel good. They want you to "sweat" in their products and get a good workout in.

2. Tying in with health, another important destriptor is living a long life. They encourage their costumers to participate in Lululemon yoga classes and to stay hydrated. Hence why they released the Lulu waterbottles.

3. The third descriptor is to have fun. Lululemon makes their products so they can be worn to the gym or at a casual event. They wan their consumers to look good and feel good.

Lululemon's primary target market are people(mostly women) who priortize wellness into their lives and love comfy yoga clothes.

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Brand Voice Discussion
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Brand Voice Discussion
Adidas is among the famous brand I believe have a strong brand voice. 
1 One of the Adidas descriptors is “The Explorer.” This descriptor is essential for effective communication with its clients and exploring new things concerning themselve...
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