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Brainstorming (HRUnitIII-2 of 2)

Essay Instructions:

What are the guidelines for the brainstorming process? Identify two problems on or off the job for which you think brainstorming would be effective. APA Guidelines are to be used for your in-text citations and sources.


Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

1.    Describe the nature, development, and consequences of self-esteem.

2.    Explain the importance of self-confidence and self-efficacy.

3.    Assess methods of enhancing and developing your self-confidence.

4.    Explain the basic steps in the communication process.

5.    Determine the relationship-building aspect of interpersonal communication.

6.    Evaluate nonverbal communication.

7.    Identify barriers to communication, including gender differences, and overcoming these differences.

8.    Examine ways to improve your listening skills.

Written Lecture

Unit II begins by focusing on two of the biggest building blocks for more effective human relations: the nature and development of self-esteem and self-confidence. Understanding the self is important. A particularly important role is played by self-esteem, the overall evaluation people make about themselves whether positive or negative. Our self-concept is what we think about ourselves whereas self-esteem is what we feel about ourselves.

Self-esteem develops and evolves throughout our lives based on interactions with people, events, and things. Early-life experiences have a major impact on self-esteem. People who were encouraged to feel good about themselves and their accomplishments by others are more likely to enjoy high self-esteem. Praise alone does not build self-esteem. Instead, it results from accomplishing worthwhile activities, and then feeling proud of these accomplishments. To develop self-esteem people need to improve their skills for dealing with the world.

Self-esteem is important for career success. High self-esteem leads to good mental health. One reason is that high self-esteem helps some situations from being too stressful, such as being insulted. Yet people with high self-esteem profit from negative feedback. Self-esteem is a critical source of competitive advantage in an information society because it is associated with such behaviors as being creative and innovative, and taking the initiative to solve problems. Workers with high self-esteem are more likely to be able to cope with new challenges regularly because they are confident they can master their environment. The unit points out high self-esteem can have some negative consequences.

Five approaches to enhancing self-esteem that relate to how self-esteem develops are covered in this unit. The importance of self-confidence and self-efficacy are explored. Self-confidence is almost the equivalent of self-esteem.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Brainstorming is a group activity for generation of ideas from all members and reaches a conclusion on a certain idea. Brainstorming puts emphasis on creative and broad thinking, participation by all members and considering all facets of an issue under consideration (Lewis et al., 2004). Success of a brainstorming process is anchored on some guidelines, which include encouraging each group member to offer suggestions that are listed down by a facilitator, avoiding criticism of other people's ideas, and encouraging high quantity of suggestions (Lewis et al., 2004). Emphasis on quantity rather than quality is made at this point for further analysis and consideration after the brainstorming exercise. The facilitator has to be friendly at all times to encourage participation by all group members and create a relaxing and comfortable environment for all the participants. Reviewing the purpose of brainstorming and guiding group membe...
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