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Week 8 Research Assignment: Bowers Buddies Marketing Strategies

Essay Instructions:

Please use Bowers Buddies 00054181 and 00054006 to complete
Write a six to seven (6-7) page paper in which you:
1. Develop the company's branding, pricing, and distribution strategy.
2. Classify the company's major competitors as inter- or intra-competitors. Categorize the competitors' major strengths and weaknesses.
3. Develop the differentiation strategy in relation to the closest competitor.
4. Establish whether the company's intention is to be a leader or follower within the industry.
5. Specify two (2) social media and / or media tools that you would use as you develop your plan. Justify each of your chosen tools.
6. Suggest the integrated marketing communications that are most relevant for your marketing plan. Relate each marketing communication to your company's advertising strategy.
7. Use at least seven (7) academic resources that address sustainability and monitoring of effective marketing plans and determine the applicability for your hypothetical company. These resources should be industry specific and relate to your chosen product / service. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
• Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
• Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Week 8 Assignment
Bowers Buddies: Marketing Plan
Nancy Bowers
Masters Business Administration
Partial Fulfillment in the Requirements for MKT 500
Strayer University
Bowers Buddies Marketing Strategies
Branding Strategy
Brand Vision: Bowers Buddies wants to ensure every pet owners are receiving high quality, unique and affordable pet sitting services. Quality is guaranteed from the highly qualified employees who will be hired to deliver the service and the pricing is set to ensure customer get their value for money.
Brand Purpose: The Company want to be a dominant force in challenging the competitors by providing products and services that gives pet owners a fun experience, happiness with healthy and well groomed pets
Brand Values: The brand value is built with the company’s framework of the four core values, namely quality, uniqueness, friendship and integrity, which puts the customers first.
Brand Promise: Bowers Buddies vows to ensure clients’ pets are well groomed, properly treated to prevent, control and improve their health conditions at affordable prices.
Brand Consistency: To ensure their is consistency in the brands’ flair, Bowers Buddies will stick to its core values and limit the introduction of new approaches to things that relates to the company’s brand only to avoid confusions to the customers and set a standard of the brand, In addition, the company’s commitment to consistency will be achieved by setting a marketing operations that is and a harmonious and repetitive from product promotion to product delivery and supply chain management (Luther, 2011).
Brand Emotions Capture: Bower Buddies strives to establish a friendly, caring, safe and welcoming environment through its brand logo, slogan, and name name that will develop customers’ trust and confidence to buy our product and services. Also, throw pet shows and campaigns, pet owners will provide with an opportunity to feel like part of Bowes Buddies, hence building a strong customer relationship to foster customers’ loyalty (Baumeister & Leary, 2015). According to Roy Baumeister and Mark Lear (2015), humans develop a sense of belongingness when they treated with affection, care and closely connected to a specific thing.
Brand Flexibility: In the ever changing market environment, Bowes Buddies have to frequently adjust its brand to match the dynamism of the market while maintaining its brand identity at the same time. The brand will be consistent to set standard of activities but flexible to allow possible adjustments that develops interests and distinguish the company’s approaches from the rivals (Sengupta, 2005).
Employee involvement. To propel the sense of consistency, the company swill ensures the employees are well versed communication procedures to customers to achieve a cohesive digital experience. When employs are involved, they become part of the brand and any engagement or activity they undertake will be representing the company’s brand (Pearson, 2016).
Brand Goal: The company’s aim is to increase its revenue generation by 15% and double its market share in the first two and a half years.
Pricing Strategy
The company set to charge clients fair prices that gives them value for money. The company will take into account competitors price as well as the prevailing market price across the U.S. Particularly, the budgeted prices will range from as low as $15 to an average of $ 25 and as high cost of $40 for all the companies product and services. However, the company will set its prices slightly lower than that of the competitors for easy market penetration the market at the business’ startup stage. At the business maturity stage, the, Bowers Buddies seeks to be a price leader than a price follower when the brands root has strongly developed by setting its own unique pricing structure to boss the market. Particularly, the structure will include an extra charge polices for over nights services, weekend services last minute requests but a flat rate in normal working days and hours (Sengupta, 2005). In addition, there will be additional charges to extra services such as vet transports, dog feeding, extra training and emergency home boarding. Discounts will apply on the basis of clients’ frequency visits, referrals, and additional pet for regular customers.
Distribution Strategy
Bowers Buddies is both a product a service oriented company. For this reason, the company will employ a direct but an exclusive distribution strategy. The idea is to leases a van to carry out pet delivery to client addressees or other destination of their desire. Pet delivery will be an after sale service, hence free to all our customers. Also, all the pet products such pet shampoos, pet foods and pet clothes will be also be available in shops where clients can visit to make a purchase during our working hours. The business working hours will be from 9 A.M.-5 P.M. between Monday and Friday, and from 9 A.M.- 6 P.M. on Saturdays and 10 A.M. -5 P.M. on Sundays. For veterinarian services, clients will have the options to either bring their pet over to the clinic or request for a vet visit at their homes. In addition, the company expects the business to pick up slowly in at the startup stage, therefore, it will be a less intensive distribution process (Wolf, 2012). The plan to introduce the pet taxi is a service separate from the business distribution plan, since its introduction will target the clients who are looking transport their pet from one point to another. The distribution approach will be exclusive by avoiding the use of agents or intermediaries through outsourcing or franchise to protect the company’s brand and to control the market as well (Sengupta, 2005).
The company there major major rivals within Fort Lee include; Fort Lee Dog Walking & Pet Sitting Services, PSVC Dog Walking & Home Pet Care, and Groomingdale Pet Shop. All these rivals are posing huge threats, and the company should be strategic to combat the competition pressure.
Competitor 1: Fort Lee Dog Walking & Pet Sitting Services (/)
The company is an intra-competitor because it is headquartered in Fort Lee, New Jersey with over five outlets in Fort Lee, Virginia. It offers a variety services such as cat care, dog walking, pet caging, overnight pet sitting, pet feeding, and dog training. Notably, the company has a strong slogan, “We Are Available Whenever You Need Us!”
1 Fort Lee Dog Walking & Pet Sitting Services has a reputable brand of pet products and services along with well established reputation around the Ft. Lee community, which has come from its 10 years of operation in the industry. The strong brand has helped the company to capture a wider market share with a strong customer’s base who are loyal to their services.
2 Financially, the company is a strong organization as evident by its 16% profit within the last quarter and gained a DTE of 50.2. A a s...
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