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2 pages/≈550 words
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 8.64


Essay Instructions:
For this assignment, teams will be randomly assigned to an industry from a list provided in class, and only one team will be assigned to each industry. Teams will be required to extensively research thought leadership in their selected industry of focus as well as conduct an interview (in person, over the phone, skype/zoom) with at least 2 thought leaders in their industry of focus and glean insights into their approach to persuasion and influence. In order to conduct the interviews, you will need to create questions that will generate conversation to understand the subjects' approach to persuasion and influence. Be sure to upload the questions and subject responses with your work. The team’s work will be documented in Google doc Teams will then summarize these insights into one joint blog post of 500-750 words for publication on LinkedIn that draws from their lessons learned, in-class takeaways, and key industry perspectives per their social capital outreach. Additionally, and verbally, teams will share initial takeaways informally on the last day of class. Hint: Creativity is a core component of this assignment, remember, stories light up many more parts of the brain than facts alone. Deliverables: 1. Team research should be documented in GoogleDoc. This should also include industry research, interview questions, and notes from your interviews with at least 2 thought leaders in the industry you were given. Export the files of your work product into a WORD file and submit them here. 2. Final blog post in WORD FORMAT. work for final blog
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Blog: Persuasion and Influence Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Instructor Date Blog: Persuasion and Influence Persuasion and influence are crucial determinants of effective leadership. These traits are more important in the contemporary world, which is characterized by radical changes in terms of technological and social developments. An interview with Doni Adi Nugroho, a Vice President at PT. Surya Mitra Adiwisesa, a manufacturing company and the CSO of an ad films and social media marketing organization helps elaborate on the importance of these traits in handling the industrial and technological challenges that many companies face. One of the ways that these leaders approach persuasion and influence is through adaptability. As the Vice President at PT. Surya Mitra Adiwisesa notes, his team has always followed industrial developments nationally and internationally, adjusting to the incidents and ensuring that its actions are at par with the changes. Leaders must be willing to adapt their strategies based on their organizations' changing circumstances and needs. Surya Mitra Adiwisesa's adaptability was more evident during the COVID-19 pandemic, whereby, despite being a young company, it was affected for only three months. On noticing the change, the management took advantage of the ...
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