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Marketing Research On Biblical Stewardship and Business

Essay Instructions:

Discuss how the Biblical STEWARDSHIP principle (God is owner of all.) impacts

business decisions and puts additional constraints on business behavior for the

Christian. Because all property is ultimately God's and profits are due to God's

grace, should the Christian be less prone to using deception and other forms of

irresponsible behavior to achieve economic goals? Support your opinions. Must be at least three full pages (no less will be accepted).

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Biblical Stewardship Principle and Business
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Biblical Stewardship Principle and Business
Stewardship simply means managing possessions and property that are not yours. Stewardship has its origin from the bible. The biblical stewardship principle holds on the principle that God owns everything and he gives some of it to us to use and manage on his behalf. According to the book of Psalms 24:1, the earth and everything on it belongs to the Lord. Based on this verse, businesses belong to God and we are only stewards managing his business. Biblical stewardship principle is what today referred to as good business practices and is what determines or rather guides the success of a business (Szabó, 2014). The Biblical stewardship principle is therefore core for any business and anyone within the business must learn to practice it irrespective of whether you are a mere employee, manager, professional or owner. It’s what will determine your success or failure. Biblical stewardship impacts decisions made by businesses and therefore businesses should always embrace good practices and should desist from the use of deception and other forms of irresponsible behavior to achieve its economic goals.
Impact of Biblical Stewardship Principle on Business Decisions
There are four principles of Biblical Stewardship that are practiced by businesses that provide guidance on the decisions being made my businesses. These principles are what are referred to as good practices by business organizations. They are the core values of an organization and are what will differentiate a business from another. These principles are the principle of ownership, principle of responsibility, principle of accountability, principle of reward (Johnson, 2014).
The Principle of Ownership
The principle of ownership is the fundamental principle of Biblical Stewardship. God owns everything and we are simply managers or administrators acting on his Gods behalf.
In business organizations managers, professionals and employees are stewards in that they manage and run the business on behalf of the owners or rather the founders who have entrusted them with the responsibility to manage and run the business on their behalf (Phan et al., 2015).. It’s their wish that the decisions managers make their interests comes first. Managers, professionals and employees must always abide by this as being stewards to their owners as doing so is being indirectly stewards of God.
This principle is drawn from the book of psalms 24 which clearly states that the earth is the LORD’S and everything in it. In the book of Genesis we are told that in the beginning God created everything and puts Adam in the garden to take care of it. It’s very clear that man was created to work and that work is the stewardship of all of the creation that God has given him.
Therefore, stewardship expresses our obedience regarding the management of everything God has placed under our control, which is all encompassing. Stewardship is the commitment of one’s self and possessions to God’s service, recognizing that we do not have the right of control over our property or ourselves.    
The Principle of Responsibility
 As stewards of busine...
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