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The Benefits of Using Intangible Assets Rather Than Relying on Tangible Assets

Essay Instructions:

. apa. 300 words.

"Explain the preferred use of historical cost as the basis for recording property and equipment and intangible assets."

You are required to submit a 3-Page (Title Page, Content Page, Reference Page), 300 words. APA formatted paper with substantial content. Leverage the APA Format Made Simple Template document for setting up every exercise correctly. This will reduce the opportunity for missing points due to APA formatting errors.

Substantial Content

Substantial content requires staying on topic and fully addressing the assignment in a clear, concise, and meaningful manner. The deliverable length of your content must be at least 1 full page in order to be eligible for full credit. Students desiring top marks will find they may need more than a page to fully address the prompt.

Late submissions, no later than 5 days after due date, will be deducted 5 points off the top

Use the APA Format Made Simple Template download for setting up every exercise correctly. Failure to align to the APA template and guidelines will result in point deductions.

For academic purposes, at least 1 APA formatted reference from our OER Financial Accounting Textbook (Links to an external site.) is required pertaining to the topic(s).

Exercises must be the student’s original thoughts based on topics from the textbook. Additional outside sources are not required, however, if you decide to utilize other sources make sure they don't conflict with the textbook material and add the appropriate APA formatted reference.

Direct quotes from references must be less than 20 words. Please review postings for sentence structure, grammar and punctuation errors. Plagiarized discussions will result in a "0" for the submission of this assignment.

Leverage Unicheck (plagiarism checker) to see where citations should be inserted, especially when directly-quoting. Unicheck score needs to be within the GREEN % score.

All grades are final.

Course Resources

All assignments derive from our OER Financial Accounting Textbook (Links to an external site.). All in-text citations and references must be in APA format in order to be eligible for full credit. For academic purposes, at least 1 APA formatted reference from the textbook is required pertaining to the topic(s), in order to be eligible for full credit.

APA Format Made Simple Template download(Template to use for all Exercises and Projects)

Purdue Owl APA Format Information & Guide (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Historical Cost
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Historical Cost
In the early days, companies relied on tangible assets such as property and equipment to create revenue. However, this has changed. Today, most companies report more intangible assets than they do tangible assets (University of Minnesota, 2015). This change has been brought about by the rise in value of ideas, patents, and trademarks. These intangible assets generate more revenue for companies today than property and equipment (University of Minnesota, 2015). In this paper, the author discusses the preferred use of historical cost in reporting intangible assets and property and equipment.
When a company purchases property or equipment, the assets are reported at their current value. For instance, if a four-story building is purchased for $10 million, it is reported in the balance sheet at its purchase value. This method of reporting property or equipment at purchase value is the historical cost approach (Uni...
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