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Benefits and Detriments to Workers under Workers' Compensation System

Essay Instructions:

Read the Call-of-the-Question carefully, and follow the instructions for each subject. Prepare four Briefing Papers using the APA Format for Research Papers, and upload them as one document for your response.

Briefing Paper 1: Critical Legal Thinking


Read Kelly v. Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc. � Cheeseman text pages 424-425.

Respond to the three Case Questions found in Cheeseman Text page 425.

Brief the facts of the case and assume your boss is seeking your opinions as noted in the Critical Legal Thinking, Ethics, and Contemporary Business questions. Argue both sides of all issues.

Briefing Paper 2: Law Case with Answers


Read Smith v. Workers' Compensation Appeals Board - Cheeseman text pages 432-433

Brief the facts of the case and assume your boss is seeking your opinions on what would be the best argument for Modesto High School to overturn the California Court of Appeals decision.

Provide convincing arguments for your recommendations and opinions.

Briefing Paper 3: Critical Legal Thinking Cases


Read Sections 18.4 Agent (pp. 396-397); 20.6 Workers' Compensation (p. 434); 20.3 Occupational Safety (pp.433- 434); 18.2 Scope of Employment (p. 396); and Family and Medical Leave Act (p. 430)

Check the decisions of the highest appellate courts, if a case is cited, for each fact pattern.

Brief the facts of the case and assume your boss is seeking your opinions on whether each of the subjects affect business in the United States and if so, provide the worst and best case scenarios.

Briefing Paper 4: Ethics Case


Read Section 18.8 Ethics � Cheeseman text pages 397-398

Brief the facts of the case and assume your boss is seeking your opinions on the three questions found at the end of Section 18.8. Argue both sides of all issues.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business Law Briefing Paper
Student Name
Briefing Paper 1: Critical Legal Thinking
What are the benefits and detriments to workers under the workers’ compensation system?
Workers’ compensation provides the employees insurance for any job-related illnesses or injuries. Advantages of a workers’ compensation system to workers include:
The medical cover for the injuries or illnesses.
Cash benefits that are dependent on the degree of injury
Death benefits to the dependents in case the worker dies from the job-related injury or illness.
Payment of the Social Security Benefits in case the employee is critically disabled permanently or for a period not less than 12 months (Larson, 2013).
On the other hand, the disadvantages of the workers’ benefits include:
Disputes that usually arise from differential response from the employer and the employee
Fraud cases can arise where the employee exaggerates the degree of injuries or the illnesses contracted
It may also discourage the employee from seeking new employment positions as they become too comfortable with the compensation payments.
Did Coca-Cola act ethically in denying Kelley’s workers’ compensation claim?
Coca-Cola acted unethically in rejecting this claim as Kelley contracted the injuries during the Coca-Cola’s activities including the horseplay that was affirmed by the company considering the official in charge of the event affirmed its authenticity by not attempting to stop it.
Are there any benefits to businesses for being required to pay for workers’ compensation insurance?
There are no benefits to the companies by paying the workers’ compensation insurance as they have to shove in extra amount to pay for the employees’ claim while also hiring additional employees to fill in those positions to render the affected services. Therefore, the businesses will have to pay the new employees and also the compensation claims for the affected workers.
Briefing Paper 2: Law Case with Answers
Brief the facts of the case and assume your boss is seeking your opinions on what would be the best argument for Modesto High School to overturn the California Court of Appeals decision.
Wayne Smith was a temporary employee of Modesto High School. The school was involved in both curricular and co-curricular activities like games and even clubs, for example, Maths Club. It encouraged the participation of both students and the staff considering the evaluation of the school system regarding instructional and non-instructional duties.
According to his contract, Wayne Smith was employed as a temporary math instructor though a reasonable amount of time was encouraged to be spent on co-curricular activities. Therefore, there's minimal connection between the windsurfing and his terms for employment that could ascertain workers’ compensation.
Briefing Paper 3: Critical Legal Thinking Cases Considering the Agent Case
The patron involved himself with the chase of the teenagers, but also informed the manager of the incident. Regarding legal terms, a patron is one who provides supports for the organization/business activities while an agent is one who handles the events or issues of the company/organization. Therefore, the restaurant patron who involved himself in the high-speed chase is not an agent of the restaurant; this makes the restaurant not liable for the damages on Bosse and Griffin (Larson, 2013).
Considering the Workers’ Compensation Case
Membership to the SERT team is voluntary for the police officers. Considering no addition...
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