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2 pages/≈550 words
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
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Personalities Assignment. Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

As a continuation of our in-class discussion on personality types & persuasion - please prepare a 2-3 page double spaced paper outlining your recommendations to improve the situation.

Case Study Recap:

Two opposite personalities are trying to work together to build a successful organization from the ground up. Both personalities have differing perspectives on which approach will be successful. The team needs to find a way to work together to achieve their goal (building a strong future for their department).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Every individual has a unique behavior pattern. Behavior refers to a function of incessantly, multidirectional interaction between a circumstance and an individual. The functional unit of a person’s behavior is the personality of an individual. The behavior of a person depends on their personality. Life comes up with different situations, and these situations have brought people of different and similar personalities to work together. There are a few instances that people with opposite personalities recorded to have worked together to handle a situation successfully. Normally, two opposite personalities working together result in a conflict of interest that makes teamwork an impossibility to achieve. Therefore, making opposite personalities to work together is the greatest challenge. The paper delves into finding out opposite personalities can be made to work together.
One fact that is important to understand and consider is that every individual has his or her way of achieving a goal. This implies for opposite personalities to work together they have to accept their diversities and employ tolerance during the process of achieving a goal. Tolerance is an important factor in making people of different personalities work together. In this instance of building a successful organization from the ground, there is a need for opposite personalities to tolerate each other. Toleration will enable them to appreciate one another’s weakness and adequately use one another’s strengths. Besides, toleration will mitigate the issue of...
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