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Assault and Gender Discrimination Against Security Guards

Essay Instructions:

Select one (1) company headquartered in your home state that you would like to work for, that does not currently have unionized employees. Assume that you are an employee of this company and interested in starting a union. Use the Internet to research industry union.
1.Create a scenario of the specific working conditions that has prompted the attention of employees.
2.Outline the major benefits of organizing a union for this particular company.
3.Create a mission, purpose, and objective statement for a strategic plan to organize a union for this group.
4.Outline the components you would need to start a union and brainstorm ideas for each step of the process.
5.Determine a possible timeline for the execution of the union based on the plan you drafted with rationale.
6.Speculate two (2) of the management teams’ objections the union is likely to face. Develop two (2) arguments to counter the management position.
7.Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment that are no older than 3 years. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource.
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Kenzie Security Company is a company registered locally in my hometown with over 10,000 employees over three states of its geographical operation. The company offers standard class protection for various range of entities including small to large business premises such as fast-food stores, retailer stores, motels and many others. Kenzie Security Company also offers services to residential homes where it as majored in. as an employee of Kenzie Security Company, have considered an idea of starting an industrial union in order to better the services for the organization offers.
Security guards face a wide range of challenges in the field of their work. Today, there are many security guards in the world than there are police officers. Security guards provide services in most conditions as those of a police officer. They stay outside our gates guarding us while we sleep, eat or play with family members. We employ the same security personnel to guard our place of work and at our properties. However, how do we treat them? There has been several reports about assault of security guards by their employers whom they need to protect, racial discrimination of certain security guards because of their color, race and even religion.
There is also gender discrimination against security guards; these might be in form of questioning of their sexual identities such as whether they are gays, lesbians and bisexual. Security guards encounter dangerous working conditions that endanger their lives with terrorists everywhere targeting them first before they can make their way in. These conditions have prompted employees who are concerned about their lives that their employers and clients do not see CITATION Fai13 \l 1033 (Fairbrother, 2013).
What is a union? Workers drive unions to help their colleagues get fair and better deals at work. Unions give workers voice and assist them to improve their working condition and their working place. They help to air concerns of an individual when he or she cannot get alone. Understanding the definition of union will help all employees see the need of organizing a union. Organizing a union for Kenzie Security Company will have many benefits to both parties, the company, employees and clients. The following are major benefits of organizing a union for Kenzie Security Company:
1 Industrial representation: unions will represent you if you have problems at work by supporting you against harassment from the employer.
2 Facts and advice: with unions, workers get expert support about any queries about their working condition, their pay slip, pay increase and anything relating to their work.
3 Rights: the creation of this union will guarantee that all workers get their rights at place of work and they receive protection from inhumane activities such as harassment and discrimination.
4 Workplace bargaining: unions through their heads can work together with all other members to form an agreement or contract called enterprise agreement. This enterprise agreement can negotiate deals with the company about their working conditions. The enterprise agreement is negotiation deal with the company its employers and employees through their union. The agreements reached by the unions are always better than those with on unions involved.
5 Health and safety: Kenzie union will provide guidance and support to all health and safety representatives to ensure the workplace of its members is save.
6 Appropriate payment and entitlements: the created union will make sure that all its member payment is the right amount and ensure payment for overtime work including bonuses.
7 Workers' compensation: with workers union, employees can get free legal expert guidance and assistance on compensation matters. For example, an injured guard on duty can get compensation from the employer.
8 Welfare: members who may find themselves in difficult situations may will get assistance from unions.
Unions also offer extra services to the workers such as how to manage one his wealth, scholarships for union members' students to colleges and retailer vouchers plus more services.
Kenzie Security Company union will require a mission, purpose and objective statement for strategic planning. Union mission will help to make the union focus on its reason that its members created it to carry out CITATION Cou14 \l 1033 (Coulter, 2014).
Kenzie Employee Union's mission will be:
‘We are the Kenzie Security Service Employees Union, an organization with over 10,000 d...
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