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Article Critique

Essay Instructions:

Read the following article by accessing the Business Source Complete database located in the CSU Online Library: “Predictors of Abusive Supervision: Supervisor Perceptions of Deep-Level Dissimilarity, Relationship Conflict, and Subordinate Performance,” by Bennett Tepper, Sherry Moss, and Michelle Duffy. Write your critique in standard essay form. Begin with an introduction that defines the subject of your critique and your point of view. You will need to identify and explain the author\\\'s ideas. Include specific passages that support your description of the author\\\'s point of view. Offer your own opinion. Explain what you think about the argument. Defend your point of view by raising specific issues or aspects of the argument. Describe several points with which you agree or disagree and include specific passages from the article (you may summarize, quote, or paraphrase) that provide evidence for your point of view. Explain how the passages support your opinion. Conclude your critique by summarizing your argument and re-emphasizing your opinion. Your critique should be at least two full pages in length, using 12-point double-spaced Times Roman font using APA format.

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Article Critique
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It is common for supervisors to abuse their subordinates leading to emotional distress. Emotional distress contributes to great losses in terms of health care costs, reduced productivity and withdrawal from work (Tepper, Moss, & Duffy, 2011). Research shows that more than thirteen percent of US workers experience mistreatment from their employers and superiors in the workplace. It also indicates that the primary predictor for supervisors abusing their subordinates is linked to their own mistreatment by their employers. In my view, supervisors require training on social justice and tolerance for diversity to exercise good judgment in their supervisory roles. It is also important to subject them to tests that measure their scope of justice to eliminate bullies form supervisory roles.
The authors indicate that one of the predictors of abusive maltreatment of subordinates is strongly linked to the supervisors’ perception of the degree of dissimilarity with the subordinates. Abusive supervisors make distinctions between subordinates that are less like them and those that are more like them. They show favoritism to those that are more like them and view those that are dissimilar as undeserving of justice by subjecting them to harm and undue mistreatment. Such supervisors may consciously or unknowingly subject the dissimilar subordinates to harm because they feel unconnected to them. The lack of a sense of similarity with the subordinates makes them susceptible to harboring indifference towards the subordinates’ wellbeing. “supervisors will abuse subordinates they perceive to be dissimilar to themselves” (Tepper, Moss, & Duffy, 2011, p. 281)
Another predictor of abusive supervisory treatment is low performance. Supervisors view low performers as having lower utility and are thus considered a threat to the team that supervisors head in the workplace. Supervisors are wary that low performers create a bad impression of the supervisor’s leadership capacity. It is also a time consuming to address any disciplinary actions that may result from poor performance. These negative consequences of low performance place the subordinates at low utility to the supervisors and the associated labeling as undeserving of justice. This consequently exposes them to risks of abusive supervision. “concept of provocative victims explains why supervisors might target sub...
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