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Business & Marketing
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Application Assignment. Business & Marketing Essay

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Application Paper

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Application Paper
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In the last two decades, tuition and fees have increased by 20 percent in the United States and other parts of the world. The average 2013 tuition increase was 2.6 percent at public schools, colleges, and universities, and 3.2 percent are private colleges. However, the history proves that fees and costs of accommodation and transportation used to increase by 1.1 percent every five years. Thus, these increases are significant and need to pay immediate attention to. There are a lot of reasons why college tuition and related expenses (housing, transportation, and books, etc.) have increased.
According to Zhifeng Cai and Jonathan Heathcote, colleges and universities across the world strive to provide quality education and research facilities to their students (Cai & Heathcote, 2018). For this purpose, they hire the best and most qualified staff and have to pay them a lot in terms of monthly or annual salaries. Researchers have called this concept "perish or publish." Even though most of the research projects are arcane and of no practical value outside the college campus, students are always required to undertake a number of research or lab-based projects. In order to help them accomplish various tasks, college administrators buy costly equipment, build well-furnished laboratories and provide them with as many facilities as possible. This eventually leads them to raise the tuition or fees. Faculty members are to be paid heavily for their outputs in three core areas: service, research, and teaching. In the service sector, they work as student advisors and committee members and collaborate with college administrators to improve the quality of education. In the research and teaching sectors, they a...
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