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Apple Inc.'s Human Resources and Product & Technology Development

Essay Instructions:

Company is Apple

Page1 Human Resources

Qualitatively assess the management expertise and experience of the company’s top management team. Compare the expertise and experience of your company’s top management team (i.e., Chairman, CEO, and COO, if applicable) to those of its top three rivals.

Page2 Product & Technology Development

Quantitatively/qualitatively assess your company’s ability to “see the future” of the market and/or develop new technology or products quickly. For example, see if you can calculate an R&D Intensity ratio (R&D expenditures / divided by total sales).

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Apple Inc. Assessment
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Apple Inc. Assessment
* Human Resources
Apple Inc., an American-based technology company's top management, is divided into two leadership divisions, the executive and the board. While the former is steered by the company CEO (chief executive officer), the Chair leads at the Board level. Tim Cook is the CEO from August 2011, overseeing worldwide sales and supply chain management. in this position, he has the support of a team of 17 vice presidents. He has previous experience in procurement and inventory management at Compaq and served as the chief operating officer at Intelligent electronics (Apple Inc., 2020). Further, his experience comprises 12 years in manufacturing and distribution at IBM. Academically, he has a master's of business administration and a bachelor of science degree.
According to Indrayani and Ramadhanty (2020), Apple Inc.'s top three rivals are Microsoft, Dell, and Lenovo. Comparatively, Microsoft has a similar management structure as Apple. Satya Nadella, the company CEO, manages its operations assisted by 16 other senior officers. Satya Nadella, who has been at the help since 2014, has previously served the company in the customer business and enterprise divisions. His experience with Microsoft dates from 1992. The CEO holds a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and a master's in computer science (Microsoft Inc., 2020).
On the other hand, Dell Technologies is led by Michael Dell, the CEO, who doubles as the chairman. According to Dell Inc. (2020), he is an innovator, having started the company in 1984. He has provided leadership in the business until the present time. Hence, his experience mainly consists of his involvement with Dell. His supporting top management team consists of 11 other senior members with vast experience in technology and innovation. Lastly, Lenovo is managed by Yang Yuanqing, who is the organization's chairman and CEO. His team consists of 14 other vice presidents holding different positions. Besides, he serves as a director at Sureinvest Holdings Limited, where he is also a shareholder. He has a master's degree and is a visiting professor at the University of Science and Technology of China (Lenovo Group Ltd., 2020).
* Product and Technology Development
According to Kim and Zhu (2018), the research and development (R&D) intensity ratio assess the resources an entity is devoting science and technology. Frequently, it is meant to drive innovation.
R&D intensity ratio = R&D expend...
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