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Apple Inc.’s Organization Structure and Culture

Essay Instructions:

The format of this case differs from the previous three modules and resembles more closely the format of assignments you will see in many of your courses going forward. This is not to say that you should abandon what you have learned about the analytical process of alternating between the abstract and the concrete, the reflective and the active, but this paper will not follow the format of a section on concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. Each of these aspects of analysis should be present, but integrated into the paper as a whole, rather than broken out into distinct sections.

The topic of this case is organizational design. To complete this assignment, we will begin as before, and you should identify an organization you know very well. Then conduct your analysis by addressing the topics below. Do not line up the questions and address them one at a time as in a short-answer test, but rather integrate them into a single coherent commentary and analysis of the organization. A critical part of successful completion of this assignment is for you to demonstrate your ability to employ the concepts introduced in the background material in describing and evaluating the effectiveness of the organizational design. To do this, you will need to draw on the concepts from at least three readings/videos. This paper should be 4-6 pages long.

Case Questions:

Diagram the formal structure of your organization. Identify the various management positions or titles on the chart and indicate the positions/jobs that would report to each. Identify the various management positions or titles on the chart and indicate the positions/jobs that would report to each.

SmartDraw.com (https://cloud(dot)smartdraw(dot)com/) provides free examples, though others are also available via Google. PowerPoint also has templates for organizational charts you can use.

Describe how work is divided (specialization and departmentalization), coordinated (chain of command and span of control), and controlled (centralization and formalization). Is the structure more mechanistic or organic?

Describe the informal structure of the organization. How does work actually get done?

How does the organization deal with the differentiation-integration issue?

Having completed this analysis, identify three strengths and three weaknesses of the organizational design.

If you could suggest one major improvement to the organizational design, what would it be?

Assignment Expectations

Your Case paper will be evaluated using the criteria on the assignment rubric (see the rubric for more detail): Assignment-Driven, Critical Thinking, Business Writing, Effective Use of Information, Citing Sources, and Timeliness.

4-6 pages double spaced.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Apple Inc.’s Organization Structure and Culture
Author’s Name
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Course Code and Name
Professor’s Name
Apple Inc.’s Organizational Structure and Culture
Figure 1
Apple’ Organization Structure
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Figure 1 shows the organizational structure of Apple Inc. In particular, Apple Inc. is a large multinational organization based in California, the United States of America (USA). The company deals with various technological products and services. Apple Inc. manufactures iPhones, iPads, iPods, computer software, and other peripherals. As can be seen in the organizational structure above, Tim Cook is the chief executive officer (CEO) and Arthur Levinson is the chairman. The paper focuses on how Apple Inc.’s organizational structure facilitates specialization, departmentalization, centralization, formalization, the span of control, and chain of command among other aspects of the company that enhances effective service delivery.
Apple Inc. is specialized and departmentalized, which fosters the firm’s success in the technology industry. Specifically, departmentalization entails separating individuals into departments, groups, or specific criteria. In addition, specialization is the strategy that enables a business to focus on a limited range of services and products to maximize productivity (Cohen, 2015). Figure 1 depicts the various departments of Apple Inc. Notably, they include engineering, operations, engineering, marketing, and China. Every department is headed by an executive leader who is highly skilled and experienced. For instance, the engineering department is by Johny Srouji, the senior vice president (SVP) of hardware technologies, Craig Federighi, SVP of software engineering, Eddie Cue, SVP of Internet software and services, Dan Riccio, SVP of hardware engineering, and John Giannandrea, SVP artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Apple Inc.’s well-defined and effective organizational structure promotes the production of quality technological products and services. For instance, the company is renowned worldwide for the production of high-quality iPhones, MacBooks, iPads, smartwatches, and other innovative products. The chain of command at Apple Inc. entails proper ranking of staff from the highest to lowest. For example, all software engineers and other employees in the department of engineering report to Federighi and Cue. However, their scope of work is well-defined based on innovation or invention. The span of control involves the number of individuals, things, and functions that people in an organization are responsible (Greg, 2020). In Apple Inc., employees are assigned tasks depending on their expertise and skills. For instance, if anything has to be done by the sales and marketing department, Philip Schiller, SVP of global marketing, and Deirdre O’Brien, SVP of people and retail, are responsible for coming up with the most appropriate strategy before subdividing the tasks to workers in the respective department. That way, things get done correctly, effectively, and efficiently, leading to successful products and services.
Formalization refers to the extent to which a company’s procedures, rules, policies, and job descriptions are explicitly articulated and written down. Additionally, centralization entails the control of activities under a single authority. For example, all department heads report to Cook who is responsible for making the final decision. However, Cook trusts executive leaders and allows them to participate in the decision-making process of the company, leading to more effective choices. Apple Inc. has a more organic organizational structure that has a flexible workplace, where employees are free to interact with their leaders. However, some departments, such as operations and marketing, use a mechanistic strategy with a more centralized authority.
Effective leadership gets things done in the right way a...
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