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Apple Inc.'s Business Model Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Before the course starts: Choose a company you are particularly excited about and would like to work for after graduation. The company can be located anywhere in the world.

Start analyzing its given industry by searching for insights and trends online, and then concentrate on the aspects you find particularly interesting in terms of innovation, business models, and growth opportunities while analyzing the following nine building blocks of a Business Model Canvas (see course literature: Ostewalder & Pigneur, 2013, here is a template of their canvas. In terms of conclusions, check out Ten Types of Innovation and the innovation tactics as inspiration to propose how the company should transform moving forward.

Background- State the underlying problem or challenge this company is facing now or about to face, and back up your argument with sound reasoning and references.

Customer Segments – An organization serves one or several customer segments.

Value Propositions – It seeks to solve customer problems and satisfy customer needs with value propositions.

Channels – Value propositions are delivered to customers through communication, distribution, and sales Channels.

Customer Relationships – Customer relationships are established and maintained with each customer segment.

Revenue Streams – Revenue streams result from value propositions successfully offered to customers.

Key Resources are the assets required to offer and deliver the previously described elements…

Key Activities – …by performing several key activities.

Key Partnerships – Some activities are outsourced, and some resources are acquired outside the enterprise.

Cost Structure – The business model elements result in the cost structure.

Conclusions: Proposals for updating the business model - Propose, based on your research with the supper of the Ten Types of Innovation and by updating the Business Model Canvas, how the company should proceed to sustain and succeed in the future.

Appendices: Complete Business Model Canvas One-Pager

Structure: Use Times New Roman or similar font 12 points, 1.5 spacing. The core report should not exceed three pages of referenced text, excluding the one-page business model canvas and any other appendices referenced in core text (unlimited number). APA referencing throughout the paper references course materials presented under Modules and any sources you think are helpful. In case you plan to use AI-generated text, clearly mark these sections as references or direct citations. I am all for advanced research methods yet mostly interested in seeing how you frame problems and seek solutions to them.

NOTE: In addition to submitting the complete assignment, ensure you have access to an electronic copy of your company logo and the business model canvas in a PDF document with your name to show and share in class. We will upload these on Friday to a discussion board.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business Model Analysis
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Business Model Analysis
I would be excited to work in the Apple Inc. company after graduation. The main reason is working here would help me to attain an outstanding learning experience since the company employs one of the best technologies, which have helped it become one of the greatest companies globally. Even though Apple has outstanding performance, it also has some challenges. One of the challenges that Apple has been facing is regarding the quality of its products. For instance, some complaints have been that some iPhones and iPads are overheating while others are so thin that they bend with the slightest pressure (Castaneda, 2019). If the company fails to address this issue, it would likely lose a huge fortune since some customers would shift to competitors. This move would likely cause the company to suffer huge losses since these products are one of its main sources of revenue.
One main factor that has made Apple remain at the top is its customer segment. Apple's target is usually middle-class and upper-class customers. These individuals usually have a higher disposable income and are willing to pay more for these products to attain an outstanding user experience (Simplilearn, 2023). Since the following segments usually prefer value over cost when choosing a product, Apple's value proposition offers premium, innovative, high-quality, and user-friendly technology to boost customers' lives. Most Apple customers purchase its products since they perceive that the product has a higher value than other competitors therefore ready to purchase it despite being expensive.
The company is delivering value propositions to its customers through varying measures. One of the ways that it is employing is through regular communications with its customers. For instance, the organization regularly communicates about the new gadgets, their specifications, and the cost, helping the customers prepare. Similarly, the company employs outstanding sales channels to reach its customers, employing both indirect and direct channels. The current channels include the website, apple stores, telecom companies, third-party stores, and resellers (Pereira, 2023). Apple has also attained outstanding customer relationships by regularly reinventing its products, employing the best marketing strategies, and maintaining exclusivity (Proddow, 2017). This process has helped the company to attract and retain most customers.
In most instances, apple usually has revenue from five streams. The leading stream is through the sale of iPhones, and the next stream is the sale of Macs, followed by the sale of iPads, the sale of wearables, home and accessories, and lastly, the services it offers (Cuofano, 2023). To offer these services, Apple requires key resources. One of the key resources is the brand ...
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