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Specific Changes that Apple has Made to its Code of Conduct

Essay Instructions:

Part 1: Paper
List specific changes that Apple has made to its Code of Conduct in recent years. Provide at least one (1) example of each change.
Explain the identified changes to the suppliers in such a way that they will understand the standards that Apple requires in order to maintain their relationship with the company.
Include an introduction with a thesis statement and a conclusion.

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Apple Code of Conduct
Apple Code of Conduct
Apple Inc. has overcome a series of storms that threatened to derail its business success. The firm has been subject to some disputes internally and externally. In one of the lawsuits, the company won a patent breach case hence Samsung Inc. was compelled to pay the American technology firm. On the other hand, Apple Inc. has faced many outcries from its employees with some suggesting that the company hardly valued its workforce. The working conditions within the supplier firms were deemed inhumane and unacceptable in the modern era. Further, the firm was at the center of environment degradation lawsuits, especially in China. Environmentalists noted that Apple Inc. supplier firms discharged toxic chemicals into the environment thus endangering the lives of people. The commitment of the corporation to renewable energy programs was also questionable as many observers pointed out the contribution of Apple Inc. to global warming. However, the American lead technology firm has since taken strategic measures to change its code of conduct policies to align to corporate duties.
The first area where Apple has instituted policy changes is the labor and human rights section. The particular focus on this area followed numerous publicized employee outcries over unfavorable working conditions in Apple Supply chains. In Foxconn, for instance, several cases of employee suicides were reported. The first policy that the technology firm adopted was the antidiscrimination policy which aimed to promote inclusivity and respect for all (Plambeck & Taylor, 2015). The institution noted that segregation of workers along political, ethnic, racial and gender lines was unacceptable. Moreover, Apple promoted the adoption of policies promoting employment of physically-challenged persons in its supply chains. The firm also responded to outcries over intimidation and harassment of employees by instituting the anti-harassment and abuse policy. This policy has since alleviated instances of physical, psychological, mental and sexual harassment which were common in Apple Supply chains. More importantly, Apple Inc. illegalized forced transfers, reaffirming that movement of employees from one location to another must follow consent of the employee in question (Apple Inc., 2016). This measure also impeded human trafficking which was commonly associated with Apple Suppliers.
Other changes in the human resource section included policies on student workers, protection of young employees and redefinition of working hours. The company prohibited its Suppliers from overworking their employees and advised them to adhere to defined maximum number of work hours per week. The company capped maximum work time to 60 hours. It also capped maximum regular time at 48 hours weekly. The firm also introduced a clause giving employees the freedom to associate and bargain collectively. These moves have since transformed the morale and commitment of workers to their duties.
The challenges that the company faced were not limited to human resource issues. Healthcare experts pointed out that the firm's operations were hazardous to human and environmental health. Therefore, Apple Inc. transformed its health policies to align with global standards. The company directed more focus on the health of its employees. The policy change required all suppliers to institute safe practices that would not jeopardize the health of the employees (Apple Inc., 2016). Suppliers have since aligned to hazard prevention requirements and also have limited occupational exposure to risks. Moreover, health policy changes by Apple Inc. expressed the need for emergency prevention and preparedness, and definition of clear response strategies. The suppliers are also expected to communicate health and safety conditions and initiate health committees...
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