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Analyzing Managerial Decisions: Why Teams with Ideas Fail

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Analyzing Managerial Decisions: Why Teams Fail
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Why Teams Fail
Coming up with a team is usually a very exciting idea. Having a good team at that, is an entirely different proposition altogether. The effectiveness of a team usually goes down to its distinctive features; the team members. How much a team can go, or the expected productivity of a team, can be evident first from the initial stage of assembling its members. What was considered and how they later come to integrate into the team setup is of great importance to virtually any team and hence any project. Failure, for a team, is basically the situation n which a team doesn’t achieve its intended goals or targets. It is usually a disappointing situation for a team to fail, especially if the initial process of assembling team members was effective, and that they had set out clear goals only to fall along the way. This paper is going to look at a number of reasons as to why teams fail, discussing to great detail, points such as lack of purpose, misplaced priorities among members, a problem with its leadership, as well as issues to do with autonomy.
One of the single most important reasons as to why teams fail is the absence of vivid and achievable goals. It is very obvious or inevitable, that teams are usually formed for the sole purpose of achieving a certain goal or goals. (Taimour, 2010).The problem usually arises from the characteristics of the target set. Using the rules of the thumb, the target needs to be achievable and simple at the same time. The kind of targets set in place for any team, usually plays a big role in the motivation of the team itself. When a target is unclear, ambiguous or appears tough to achieve, team members can grow weary through the course of its performance. Weariness in turn gives rise to demotivation and loss of focus within the team (Smith, 2004).There will be different energy levels and levels of determination among the team members. Some will want to trudge on, while others might want to stall, without forgetting those who would have already given up on the project. The final effect of this is a filed team. Therefore, the success of a team is as good as its objectives. The converse is true as well.
Secondly, a team fails due to failure to communication in unison. This is a point that usually plagues so many effective teams. In the execution of a duty within the team, there is a tendency by some team members to joy-ride. Such members usually want to place much of the responsibilities indirectly to those they deem more productive and proactive than them .Generally, the working of a team is usually based on the expectation that every member works with the same efforts and determination as the other, so that total productivity can be harnessed from the cumulative sum of each individual’s efforts(Brickley,2009).It therefore becomes a lop-sided endeavor for a few individuals to enjoy the efforts being made by the others(Robert & Thomas,n.d.).It is even more catastrophic if the more productive individuals come ...
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