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Analysis and Application of Hall Communication Contexts and Hofstede Dimensions

Essay Instructions:

Unit 10 Assignment: Case — Successful Management Requires International Experience

In this assignment, you will be assessed based on the following Outcomes:

HR410-6: Practice global interconnectedness as it applies to your field.

GEL-4.03: Understand patterns of human behavior based upon real world observation

In this assignment you will learn about patterns of human behavior and culture. This will help you to apply global interconnectedness to cross cultural preparation training. In order to give you some experience using Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions and Hall's Communication Contexts, the Unit 10 Assignment Case begins with you applying Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions and Hall's Communication Contexts to your own culture, then to another culture of your choosing. The remainder of the Unit 10 Assignment Case is applying the three phases of cross-cultural preparation (page 476) to the Proctor and Gamble Case, “Successful Management Requires International Experience Case” in Course Resources.

Refer to Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions and Hall’s Communication Contexts in Chapter 6, “The International Manager: A Guide to Communicating, Cooperating, and Negotiating with Worldwide Colleagues,” located in Course Resources. This chapter gives a good overview of both Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions and Hall’s Communication Contexts, which play a central role in this assignment.

Keep in mind that in order to succeed overseas, expatriates (employees on foreign assignments) need to be:

1. Competent in their areas of expertise.

2. Able to communicate verbally and nonverbally in the host country.

3. Flexible, tolerant of ambiguity, and sensitive to cultural differences.

4. Motivated to succeed, able to enjoy the challenge of working in other countries, and willing to learn about the host country’s culture, language, and customs.

5. Supported by their families (pp. 476–480).

In order to help you become more familiar with Human Resources and Development professional articles, this assignment has a reference requirement for two articles from TD. Use this link to help you find TD articles in the Purdue Global Library.

Worksheet: Use the Unit 10 Worksheet located in Course Resources to complete this assignment.

Assignment Requirements

Answers contain sufficient information to adequately answer the questions, and contain no spelling, grammar, or APA errors. Points deducted from grade for each writing, spelling, or grammar error are at your instructor’s discretion. Ensure your worksheet has the following components:

 Minimum 1,000 words.

 Correct spelling and grammar; proper paragraph construction (paragraphs require a minimum of three sentences to sufficiently develop an idea); use of bullets (bullets are an outline, not developed ideas).

 Identify patterns of a cultural group with which you have had contact. Describe those cultural patterns using Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions and Hall’s Communication


 Use the three phases of cross-cultural preparation (pp. 476–480), and develop training that would prepare Procter & Gamble employees to work in the culture you previously described. Include Spouse and Family Training.

 Conclusion

 Reference page (two TD references, which can be found in the Library).

Directions for Submitting Your Assignment

Compose your assignment in a Word document and save it as Username-HR410 AssignmentUnit#.doc (Example: TAllen-HR410 AssignmentUnit10.doc). Submit your file by selecting the Unit 10 Assignment Dropbox by the end of Unit 10.

this assignment needs to be in the worksheet that I just uploaded please let me know if you have any questions

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Analysis and Application of Hall Communication Contexts and Hofstede Dimensions
Student’s Name
Analysis and Application of Hall Communication Contexts and Hofstede Dimensions
Contemporary society is characterized by globalization which includes the exchange of goods and services across borders. At the moment, a US multinational can embrace global business expansion, for various reasons, including tapping into new markets and increasing profitability. Procter & Gamble, for example, is guaranteed significant success against competitors in the same industry because of their expanded target audience reach since it operates in the US, Argentina, Canada, Australia, France, Belgium, and Germany, among others. For this reason, there is a need to embrace Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and Hall’s communication contexts to achieve notable success, especially for foreign expatriates serving in these firms across the world.
My (Hispanic) Culture
Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and Hall’s communication contexts are applicable to various cultures. The five dimensions in Hofstede’s cultural dimensions include power distance, masculinity v. femininity, individualism v. collectivism, and uncertainty avoidance (Garten, 2015). The authors indicate that Hofstede’s cultural dimensions are embraced to facilitate comprehension of different cultures in various regions. This ultimately influences how business operations, including stakeholder relations, are held in different cultures. Hispanics and other racial groups with Spanish culture and background exhibit a higher score on power distance, indicating reliance on a hierarchical societal system. They embrace autocracy, including centralization and are not entirely against inequalities. The uncertainty avoidance score is high, thus limiting unexpected events. Hispanics also exhibit higher scores on collectivism, which is exhibited in long-term family and group commitments and loyalty.
Hispanics are also more masculine, indicating male dominance in power structures and society as compared to other races such as non-Hispanic whites. Under Hall’s communication, the focus is on higher context and low context cultures. High-context cultures entail prioritizing verbal and non-verbal cues. Hispanics fall under the high context cultures, which implies that we will embrace both cues, including tone, and context, among others to draw meaning rather than relying entirely on the words. Western cultures, including non-Hispanic whites, are prone to the low-context model where communication is explicit thus limiting room for confusion and lack of clarity.
Asian Culture
Asian Americans make up a considerable percentage of the total American and Europe population. Based on observation, Asian American culture embraces high-context communication, which is the case in my Hispanic culture. The focus is primarily on the presence of non-verbal cues including the speaker’s status, body language, and tone. In this regard, both cultures embrace implicit communication, which deviates from dominant races such as non-Hispanic whites who embrace explicit communication, thus forming the low-context culture in Hall’s communication model. Under Hofstede’s dimension, the Asian American culture is arguably unequal and embraces inequalities as an acceptable practice, which implies that a firm’s leader should embrace formal authority over subordinates. Also, just like Hispanics, Asian Americans exhibit high levels of collectivism, which implies that in group considerations, including family are higher and personal relationships are highly cherished (Garten, 2015). The culture scores low on femininity, which implies that they embrace work and want to achieve the best, hence the likelihood of sacrificing other...
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