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Alessandro Bogliolo, CEO, Tiffany & Co. Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Follow all the requirements of iwb # 2 instruction template!

Will be made to write a memo 1 by the way do not repeat memo 1 content

Documents are required

Spacing with 1.5 on the line words as far as possible to streamline


I am excited to have you move into this new position. You could not have come into the job at a more important time. At the next board meeting, we are going to be talking about improvements to our corporate social responsibility policies.

I need you to develop a two-page memo in advance of the meeting with some specific recommendations. To do this, you will:

  1. Research our company’s social and environmental policies and the industry best practices
  2. Identify and analyze what you think are the three most important social and/or environmental policies that could impact our company.
  3. Do some additional research and recommend an improvement to each one of our current practices. From your recommended improvements
  4. Pick the one you think is most important
  5. Expand that one in more det


ail, and finally

  1. Tell me the next steps we should take to put that one recommendation into place.


I’ve taken the liberty of providing you with a template of what I am looking for on page six of this document. Please follow that structure carefully and submit it to me for review and comment before creating your final narrative two-page memo. It will save us time.

The board is not looking for opinions but proposed steps to take based on well-researched data. So, you have to start with credible sources. I’ve put together some guidelines for you on the next page, and I had Pat from marketing assemble some research information to use.

Good luck. Let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to working with you on this important initiative.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
To: Alessandro Bogliolo, CEO, Tiffany & Co.
From: Yuan Jhing
Date: 9/14/17
Re: Tiffany & Co ought to diversify its supplier networks to encourage CSR adherence and reduce Environmental pollution
* Recommendations
Provided below are the recommendations for Tiffany & Co. to improve its operations and functions. More specifically, these recommendations would help in order for it to fulfill its CSR goals and help the environment, as well as devote care towards its employees and creation of more jobs for the public.
Primary Recommendation (#1)
Diversify supplier networks by tapping different suppliers per quarter of operations, in order to fulfill its Corporate Social Responsibility towards the environment
Diversify supplier networks instead of collaborating with a single third-party organization in order to reduce the Carbon footprint in the environment
* Studies done by Perry, Wood, & Fernie have found that “Factory managers framed CSR in terms of compliance, rather than going above and beyond regulatory requirements; which they viewed as a strategic competitive imperative and less a developmental mechanism” (Perry, Wood, & Fernie, 2015)
* Studies done in pricing analysis has stated that connections with different suppliers increases competitive forces leading to more compliance for both parties (Nagle, Hogan, & Zale, 2016)
* Partner with different suppliers increases the company’s ability to access different distribution networks, thus giving a wider range of choices or suppliers that adheres the company’s CSR guidelines (Perry, Wood, & Fernie, 2015)
In line with this, diversifying supplier networks should increase the competition between different suppliers, which forces them to adhere to the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibilities) as established by Tiffany & Co, reduce the prices through competition (Perry, Wood, & Fernie, 2015), as well as increase the number of supplier and material choices via an increase in access with “distribution channels”.
Recommendation #2
Utilize Information Systems for increased efficiency in production and Employee performance monitoring, which makes it easier to give incentives
The utilization of Information Systems for Tiffany & Co. would help in performance monitoring and incentive distribution
* Information systems increases a company’s productivity as most of the processes from production becomes streamlined, to accounting, and even to administrative processes (SAP, n.d.)
* Utilize Information systems, more specifically for communicative processes, increases the possibilities of innovation through an increase in the flow of ideas and opinions
* Information systems makes the life of the employees much easier as well as makes i...
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