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Albrecht Dürer (1471 – 1528): Adam and Eve Artwork in 1504

Essay Instructions:

Textbook: Art A Brief History Marilyn Stokstad, Michael W. Cothern


Part A In this first portion of the assignment you are asked to analyze the iconography of the artworks listed below. Defined in the textbook, iconography is an understanding of the subject matter and symbols of an artwork (Stokstad and Cothern, 2016, pg. 6). Based on your understanding of the cultures and time periods you have encountered over the past 4 lessons of textbook readings, analyze the following artworks in terms of their iconography.

1. Adam and Eve, Albrecht Dürer, 1504. Engraving. Located on page 357 of the textbook.

2. The Founding of Tenochtitlan page from the Codex Mendoza, Aztec, 1545 CE. Located on page 411 of the textbook.

3. The Hip Pendant Representing an Iyoba (“Queen Mother”), Nigeria, c. 1550 CE. Located on page 433 of the textbook.

4. Tar Beach, Faith Ringgold, 1988. Acrylic on canvas, and pieced cloth. Located on page 572 of the textbook.

Part B Compare and contrast the function of the above works. Focus your analysis on how each artwork functioned spiritually and/or politically in their original context. Your discussion should include the importance of the artwork at the time of its creation for the viewer at that time. For instance, you could address issues such as, was the artwork used as a visual teaching of a concept, was it used as an historical record to document an event? Compare and contrast the function of the four artworks and distinguish the connections that can be made, pointing out patterns you find.

Conclude your essay with a short discussion on the use of symbols in the 21st century to communicate, applying what you learned regarding the use of symbolic imagery throughout the centuries of art studied in the past 4 weeks. (Think of advertising logos or emojis etc. when considering 21st century examples.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Art History: Assignment 8
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Part A
1 Adam and Eve, Albrecht Dürer, 1504. Engraving. Located on page 357 of the textbook.
Albrecht Dürer (1471 – 1528) created the Adam and Eve artwork in 1504. He was a sensational German nationalist who observed the world and represented his observation in drawings and paintings. During his time, Dürer published several manuals and theoretical writings discussing issues with renaissance art, painting techniques, and ideal human proportions. The Adam and Eve art represent the first human beings to be created according to the Bible. It contains images of four senses of humor that show the results of the conviction of Adam and Eve after defying God. Their descendants became powerless and lost control of the body liquids that controlled human nature. Excess dark bile from the liver resulted in misery, covetousness, and hopelessness, while yellow bile caused arrogance, eagerness, and outrage. The mucus found in the lungs resulted in lack of engagement, absence of feelings, and tiredness, while excess blood made a person enthusiastically keen on delights of the flesh and abnormally idealistic. The peevish cat, the despairing elk, the sensory rabbit, and the impassive ox symbolized the above four demeanors. The parrot symbolizes false intelligence, and the rushing mouse symbolizes Satan. Dürer was enthusiastic about his art, and he left his name on a branch that hangs alongside Adam.
2 The Founding of Tenochtitlan page from the Codex Mendoza, Aztec, 1545 CE. Located on page 411 of the textbook
The Codex Mendoza is an Aztec codex created 20 years after 1521 Spanish conquered Mexico. The plan was to send it to Charles V, the Holy Roman Emperor and King of Spain. The Codex Mendoza contains information about the past of Aztec rulers and the victories they won, a collection of tributes vanquished paid, besides depicting the everyday life of the Aztec people. Among the information in the Codex is the data about the establishment of Tenochtitlan, Aztec's capital. Tenochtitlan was constructed in 1325 in the middle of Lake Texcoco. It was made of several trenches, divided into four quarters as shown in the picture, with waterways in the divisions. The four divisions are linked to the Aztec people's perception that the universe is divided into east, west, north, and south. The diagram has an eagle in the center representing the logic behind the city's establishment, and the tree represents the name of the city, Tenochtitlan. A shield is located near the cactus in the art symbolizing the struggle people went through before settling in Mexico. The art ...
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