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AiTMed Company's Opportunities and Assessment

Essay Instructions:

Develops list of entrepreneurial

opportunities with supporting rationale

based on market domain evaluation and

PEST analysis

Accurately assesses viability of selected entrepreneurial opportunity, supporting response with evidence from market domain evaluation and PEST analysis

Comprehensively evaluates key trends affecting global business environment of selected market domain

Accurately determines how trends will impact development of selected intrapreneurial and entrepreneurial opportunities

Accurately determines how trends will affect sustainability of selected company and which trends could be used to improve sustainable business operations

Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization

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AiTmed Company
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AiTMed Company
* Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Develop a list of entrepreneurial opportunities outside the confines of the company you selected. Each opportunity in your list should have a supporting rationale based on your market domain evaluation and PEST analysis.
Introducing remote surgery – Remote surgery lauds as the future of surgery. Countries all over the world are experimenting with remote surgery with mixed results. Madder (2020) makes a strong case for robot surgery being the future of healthcare in remote areas. Considering the strides made in the healthcare sector technologically, AiTmed ought to consider remote surgery.
Serving Non-US clients - At the moment, AiTmed is serving a small market in California. There are more opportunities outside the state and around the world. Many people would like to get second opinions from U.S. healthcare professionals. AiTmed needs to consider expanding into other markets. These markets will be exploited by other telehealth companies sooner or later.
Offering cloud services to other telehealth companies. AiTmed has created its Edge computing system. It has also leveraged blockchain technology to improve its service provision. The company can therefore offer these computing services to other telehealth companies. It would earn from existing infrastructure.
* Entrepreneurial Assessment: Select one entrepreneurial opportunity from your list to assess. How viable is the opportunity? Your response should be supported with evidence from your market domain evaluation and PEST analysis.
Remote Surgery
Remote surgery is a new application of technology in medicine. It harbors great potential if well executed. Many people have come to need health services available to people in other countries. Like the first remote surgery was carried out by doctors in New York on a patient in France, the technology can solve distance. Patients would be treated by professionals who are halfway across the world. This would avail the best healthcare to everyone anywhere in the world as telesurgery removes the patient's need to travel or the surgeon. Transporting patients is also very expensive, and rather than transferring them or compelling the doctor to come to the patient, remote surgery can help bridge that gap. Machines to enable this technology have been developed, and they have the precision of an experienced surgeon. Thus, it is time to bring the technology to the masses. Remote surgery would be a solution to dissolve the healthcare disparity brought by geography.
Since this technology is in its infancy stages, it harbors great potential. Aitmed can capitalize on it and avail it worldwide. It will be justified in time.
* Trends: Evaluate key trends affecting the global business environment of your selected market domain. These could be geographic, political, or societal trends, or they could be trends specific to your market domain.
Demand from patients – Increased demand is a major trend that could impact the telehealth industry's global business environment. Slowly, people have been warming up to the idea of telehealth as an opti...
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