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Advertising. Create a journal of advertisements. Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Create a journal of advertisements that you've been exposed to and that provoked a response, good or bad. They can be from any media channel (print, TV, outdoor, direct mail, any variation of online, etc.) just as long as you can cut and paste a link to or an actual example of the ad into your journal. Even with a link provided, I'd like to see an image in the journal for each ad; points will be deducted if I can not review the ad you are writing about.

List the company name, the name of the ad if you can find it, and the year the ad was produced. Then provide a half page of analysis on things you noticed, and what you liked or didn't like about the ad. The purpose of the journal is not to simply recount what happens in the ad, but critique it using terms and concepts from the class.

Make sure to incorporate ideas from the book, the Mad Men episodes, or from any supplementary reading materials that are germane to the discussion. Then add external sources of your own to further build your case on why an ad is or is not successful.

A top quality journal will not only feature about two ads per week (at least 20 for the quarter), but also contain smart critical thinking about the ads. Try to use a variety of media channels, different types of brands and products, and no more than one ad per brand.

You'll find a sample ad journal entry posted under the files section of Canvas. Please refer to the rubric below for further guidance on grading.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Critique of AdvertsNameInstitutional AffiliationDate
Critique of Adverts
Recipes for Delicious Kitchens (2015)
This is one of the best television ads by Ikea, and it was produced in 2015. The television advert is one of its kind, and it has featured various aspects that make it stand out from the other ads. It is one of the most creative kitchen ads that has been created, and it plays a great role in showcasing the various kitchen tools that the company makes. At first, when you look at the ad, you will see that everything that happens in the advert happens in a clear and sequential manner and you will begin to wonder the type of software that were used in editing the video. At a certain point, the video reads that one should not try it at home when they take up the bulbs which represent the eggs and then break them. I enjoyed watching the advert, and the intended message in the ad came out clear to the audience.
REI OptOutside Jerry’s Office(2015)
I do think that this was one of the best disruptive marketing stunts that have been done by REI Company. In the ad, the CEO of REI announces that they will be closing all their stores on Black Friday so that they can allow people to spend their time outside for their wellbeing and their happiness. It was a disruptive marketing stunt given that REI is a major player in the retail industry. The idea was so disruptive since after the announcement most businesses closed down their businesses and began encouraging people to spend their time outside on black Friday enjoying themselves. The company even paid their employees to spend time outside away from the stores. At first the stunt papers negative but if you look at it closely, you will realize that it resonates with their brand. The company sells outdoor outfits such as clothing, footwear, and gears. These items are used when people are outdoor, and it is one of the reasons that they encouraged people to spend time outside. The company also lost some sales on Black Friday, but they made many sales before the Black Friday
The above image ad was meant to encourage people to avoid abortion. The image resonates with the target audience, but I do think that the copy was not such well-made. The copy for the image reads ‘Abort the thought.’ I do think that the copy looks so obvious and they would have used a more persuasive tone to discourage people from engaging in abortion. However, the approach that has been used in the image appears to be more emotional since the image shows the baby in the ears of the women implying that people should take the life of the unborn baby before carrying out abortion. Overall, the image is so captivating, but when you read the headline copy, it will take longer for one to understand fully. Creativity was involved in the image, but it was not involved in the copy of the advert.
Indomie Nigeria
Indomie Instant Noodles TV Ad: Pidgin-Mama do good (2017)
This was one of the best Indomie ads in Nigeria. The ad has focused more on the aspect of Mama Do good, and as it starts, one cannot fail to notice that everything that comes out of Indomie Company is good. The children begin rejoicing immediately they see the woman, and due to her great skills in cooking, she has become so popular among the people in their place of residence. The song that accompanies the ad at the end of the ad makes it stand out from the other ads. The song plays as the children praise the mother for being the best mother since sh3e makes them Indomie. These have made the ad to be more popular among the mothers, children, and everyone since it is so captivating.
Try Audible Today Free. “Listen For A Change Mom & Daughter” Commercial: 30(2018)
In the ad, Audible Company which belongs to Amazon, makes the ad to be more captivating throughout due to the way in which they begin the ad. The ad begins when the girl has just finished her day at school, and the mother picks her. The girl looks so tired but when she gets into the car, her mother who notices that she is bored puts on the inspiring story on the significance of going to high school. At this point, the daughter smile at her mother telling her that they should go. More importantly, the ad covers only 30 seconds which makes it easier for one to be glued. The words at the end of the ad have also been well formulated and inspiring the audience.
Mercedes Benz vs. Jaguar (2017)
The above ad by Jaguar Company about the ability of their vehicles is one of the best ads that I have come across. Ironically, the ad was produced after Mercedes Benz had produced theirs where they bragged to be the best vehicle makers. The ad is a response to the one that was produced by Mercedes Benz and it can be noticed from the beginning of the ad since the song that is heard at the beginning is the same as the one in the Mercedes Benz ad. It is a mockery of Mercedes Benz since the tiger which is a symbol of Jaguar grabs the hen and the feathers are plucked off implying the strength of Jaguar vehicles.
Lunch Time is coming( 2017)
The above KFC ad looks so funny, and immediately the actor who is an old bearded man and an attendant at KFC looks at the watch, he realizes that it is 12 pm and it is the lunch hour. Immediately, customers begin streaming into the outlet requesting for their favorite meal which is chicken and fries. The number increases gradually, and in a short while, there are so many people at the outlet requesting for the meal. I do think that the ad was intended to imply that KFC was the number one preferred outlet by most people from all the different parts of the world. The ad played a great role in making the company stand out from its competitors.
Big and Extreme Mascara(2018)
The ad has been done by Avon, a company that specializes in making different brands of makeup for the customers. In this ad, the company focuses on one of their products Mascara that is bigger and extreme. It is an ad that has been used to inform the customers about the improvement of their product. The model who has been used in the ad also plays a great role in conveying the message about the ad since she is good-looking and they have made it easy for people to assume that the model makes the music that is playing in the background. The ad I also short and I do think that it played a great role in informing customers on the improvement of the existing product Mascara.
A Breed Apart-Jaguar(2018)
In this video, the three German shepherds retreat when they see the cheetah arriving which resembles Jaguar. At the beginning of the ad, Jaguar makes it clears that the three German shepherds at the field represent Audi, BMW, and Mercedes Benz. When the cheetah arrives at the field, all of them run away implying that they have retreated. The message presented in the ad is that indeed the German cars cannot match the Jaguars. The ad has been well crafted, and in most of the ads done by the company, they appear to downplay their competitors, and they have used the strategy for a long period.
M & S
Art of Design TV Advert(2015)
The ad is all about a manufacturing company that has specialized in the manufacture of clothes. At the beginning of the ad, the company seeks to gain credibility since the sheep at the beginning is used to show that indeed the company makes its product...
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