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Advantages and Disadvantages of Migration

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Revised Project Proposal
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Revised Project Proposal
Project Summary
A majority of citizens and people worldwide criticized President Donald Trump's "zero tolerance" immigration policy that separated children from their parents and caused unspeakable anguish and misery on the child migrants. The separation of families at the Mexican border began with President Barrack Obama, who detained families caught crossing into America to discourage future undocumented immigration. While the Obama Administration tried to restrict family separations to circumstances where the child's safety was at risk, Trump's administration implemented a harsher stance towards undocumented border crossers. It violated the Fifth Amendment right to family integrity as it separated children from their parents CITATION Per21 \l 1033 (Perez, 2021). Hundreds of children were forced to endure irreversible psychological torture, and some children were never reunited with their families, even after leaving the immigration detention centers.
U.S. immigration policy has a lengthy and complex history predating the Obama and Trump-era immigration policies. America started regulating immigration a short while after gaining independence, and immigration laws have since then echoed the policies and migrant flows of the periods. For instance, the United States passed several immigration laws starting in 1875 targeting the growing population of Asian laborers, first restricting Chinese immigrants and later disallowing immigration from most Asian countries. The country’s immigration flow in the early 20th century then shifted away from western and northern European nations or even Asia and eastern and southern Europe CITATION Jag14 \l 1033 (Jaggers, Gabbard, & Jaggers, 2014). In response, immigration laws were enacted in 1921 and 1924 to cap the number of immigrants from eastern and southern Europe and favored northern and western European countries.
Various other laws have been passed over the years, although many of these restrictions were applied to immigrants from Asia and Latin America, in particular, rather than Europe. Congress has enacted several laws over the last decades to control the millions of unauthorized immigrants crossing from Latin America, some of which violate the fundamental human rights of children seeking asylum. Most undocumented border crossers are children escaping conflict, violence, and poverty in their home countries. Despite their plausible claims to asylum, these children suffer abuse and severe neglect at the hands of U.S. immigration officers. The detained children are not only separated from their parents but are forced to live in deplorable conditions. Some children are only a few years old and are left unattended for days on end with no family member or caregiver to care for them.
The morality of immigration control, especially about child migration, is a raging debate between protecting the country's sovereignty and respecting the fundamental human right to self-determination. The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights affirms the universal right of emigration. Yet, all states agree that they also have the right to decide which groups or individuals should be admitted or even which should be granted citizenship CITATION Wei96 \l 1033 (Weiner, 1996). Underlying many of America's immigration policies are fundamentally moral questions posed, on the one side, by the rights of those requesting entry and, one the other, the legitimate concerns of the country and its citizens to control those joining its societies.
America’s right to border control is also closely tied to the advantages and disadvantages of migration. Immigrants not only enrich and diversify the host country's culture, but they also help reduce any labor shortages, especially in a country with an aging population, because of their willingness to take on low-skilled and low-paying jobs that most residents are unwilling to take. On the other hand, immigration has been blamed for increased pressure on public services, overpopulation, social conflicts, and reduction in real wages, especially for low-skilled local workers. This research proposal presents and justifies the need to investigate the different ethical considerations and costs of child migration. It also illustrates the practical ways in which such a study will be carried out.
Research Title
Child Migration: Ways of Navigating the Ethical Debate between America’s Right to Exclude and Immigrants’ Right to Self-Determination
Research Objectives
The objectives of the proposed study are:
1 To determine the values that conflict with the debate over child migration;
2 To investigate the moral obligation of the U.S. (and other countries) in accepting child migrants with plausible claims to asylum;
3 To examine if immigration laws that favor protecting children as the most vulnerable group also incentivize more children to cross into America;...
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