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Adoption of New Policy: Scanning and Uploading Documents Role Transfer

Essay Instructions:

Email Subject: Policy Change
Due to Budget restraints and cutbacks as of 1 May 2015 the Veteran Affairs, Maryland Health care Service (VAMHCS) will no longer utilize Affinity corporations for scanning and uploading documents to the employee official personnel file (EOPF). Per policy memorandum official personnel file (EOPF). Per policy memorandum 512-005/HR-012 office operation procedures the HR Department will assume responsibilities for this requirement. All documents will be dropped off to the Baltimore Human Resource Administration Specialist room D2-162, for transport to the Human Resource processing and Records Section at the Perry Point VA medical Center. For scanning and uploading. Not renewing this contract will result in a 500,000 dollar savings in the Veterans Administrative Budget. This money can be used for research and other programs that benefits our Veteran patients
Instructions: Above is the Routine email, I am requesting you write the goodwill email references the above subject. The instructions for the goodwill email are in the attachment.
Please write an introduction and conclusion as well as a summary explain why you used the principles u used in writing this email (also in the instructions)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
 Routine and Goodwill email
April 20, 2014
From [name]
To the coworkers
This email highlights on the adoption of new policy with for scanning and uploading  documents, previously being undertaken by the Affinity corporations and now transferred to the Human Resource Department. Having agreed to all the laid down procedures, it is my pleasure to announce that the new policy formulation has been well received.

As earlier mentioned the benefits of the new policy formulation will save the department money. Even though, all the employees are fully aware about the new policy adoptions, I am urging those hesitant to adopt the measures to look into the costs and benefits of this measure. I assure you that the benefits will trickle down to the veterans, and there will be marked changes in their lives. I appreciate the efforts of those who have already started implementing the changes, it may take time to get used, but then everyone will understand the rationale of the new policy.
Feel free to contact me for any enquiry on the policy changes, and your resolve to adhere to the policy is highly appreciated. This also proves that you are all tireless workers. You will still be able to fulfill your responsibilities without interruptions, and having the scanning and uploading in one central place has been identified for its benefits. Again the Human Resource personnel are available during office workers. Thank you for your cooperation.
Kind regards
In order to have an impact on the message reader, then one needs to decide carefully the introduction middle and conclusion. The strategy utilized was to hook the reader into the content of the letter by mentioning the intention in the introduction letter. The placement of information affect the extent to which people remem...
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