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Click To Accept Trend And Method, Sample Case

Essay Instructions:

As people spend more and more time online, Click-to-Accept agreements have become increasingly common. Do people really read these types of agreements? Is it fair to hold consumers to these terms? Find an example of a case where a court did not enforce one of these provisions and explain the result.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
CLICK TO ACCEPT trend and method, sample case
Click-to-Accept agreements have become increasingly common in our modern era as it allows companies and service providers the capacity to give their customers liability upon availing services or buying products. To get users to agree to Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and the other important legal agreements that are present on their website, web owners are utilizing 2 methods for acquiring this acceptance by making the user click something in order to proceed and confirm that the user has provided a mutual liability and responsibility according to the service-provider’s rules.
Browse wrap is a passive method of having users accept your legal agreements and be bound by them. Browse wrap methods are naturally held to be unenforceable through the courts due to the fact that they aren’t conspicuous enough and does not project a clear and concise message and instruction to the user. Thus, users can’t be held responsible to the terms of the web page through only acquiring basic and generic action that in no way clearly constitutes accepting terms. Conversely, the click wrap method is an active method of getting users to accept your legal agreements by requiring that a user clicks an element that shows that the user is intending to accept or agree to the agreement provided by the website. This is a fair warning and a fair way of holding users liable to the agreement that they have bu...
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