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What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger: Exposure to Sun

Essay Instructions:

To begin, visit the website: Hormesis, Sunshine and Radioactivity, http://www(dot)rebresearch(dot)com/blog/hormesis/ and then let’s start with a question based on your opinion:

1. What are your thoughts on sun exposure? What are the benefits and disadvantages? Do you believe the amount of exposure affects these benefits and disadvantages? Have you or someone you know ever experienced a sunburn or skin injury from tanning or sun exposure?

2. You read two articles on hormesis that explained tissue and cell damage in other areas. What are your thoughts on claims that small exposures to toxic substances can be helpful?

3. Holistic medicine and natural alternative medical therapies are becoming increasingly more popular. After visiting the NIH website https://nccih(dot)nih(dot)gov/health/homeopathy discuss your thoughts on claims that small diluted doses cure or prevent conditions. Do you believe this works? How do you feel the practice of homeopathy relates to the practice of Hormesis as it relates to cells, tissues and skin?

4. Research other articles on Hormesis and homeopathy that both defend and refute the claims and discuss how you use critical thinking to form your opinion about these topics. Do anecdotal claims, that is, patients who report positive or negative results affect your decision? Do you rely more on scientific evidence or do both play a part?

5. Compare and contrast the characteristics of the ideal tissue forming the outer surface of the body with that forming the lining of the small intestine. How are they similar and different? What tissues fulfill these needs?

6. If a bone is broken, it will heal in several months. If cartilage is broken, it generally never heals. If epithelium is cut, it heals in a week or so. Why is there such a difference in the healing rates of these tissues?

Support your ideas with principles/understandings from the text or discussion materials.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

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What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger
The Exposure to Sun
Exposure to the sun's UV rays remains an essential element in nourishing the body through vitamin D. Vitamin D, in this case, helps in strengthening the body’s muscles, bones, and immune system, an aspect that lowers the exposure of the body to some kinds of cancers such as the colon cancer. Given this, the exposure to the rays of the sun remains beneficial in as much as there are negative aspects related to this aspect.
Benefits and Risks of Exposure to the Sun
As established, the exposure to the rays of the sun is a required ingredient in enhancing the functions of the body. First, the UV rays are efficient in the treatment of skin conditions that include psoriasis, a condition that sees the skin shed its cells faster, hence resulting in scaly patches and itchiness (Alberts et al. 2002). On the other hand, research proves that the exposure to sunlight stimulates human’s pineal glands around the brain in producing particular chemicals such as tryptamines known to improve the moods of individuals.
Besides this, there are adverse effects that come with the exposure to sun rays. This is evident in the fact that excessive exposure to the sun may result in skin cancers. In addition to this, human beings may encounter sunburns since the UV rays burn that skin, arising out of the damage caused on the cells of the skin. Such damages to the skin result from the absorption of energy from the sun’s rays, hence considered as adverse (Alberts et al. 2002). Given this, it is vital to consider that excessive exposure to sun rays affects the advantages and disadvantages of the exposure to sun rays, an aspect I have witnessed in most of the people who work in extreme conditions where they are exposed to the sun for longer periods.
Exposures to Toxic Substances
In my view, the exposure to small toxic substances has more harm than benefits, an aspect proven by the fact that chemicals are toxic since they have the capacity to harm the human body when exposed or in contact with the body. The exposure to some toxic chemicals is considered as hazardous since their physical properties cause some burning effects or reactions with other chemicals (Lodish et al. 2000). The claims that diluted doses have the capacity to cure or prevent adverse health conditions, in my opinion, lacks valid scientific research that backs the thoughts. The little evidence, therefore, fails to provide support to the aspect of homeopathy considering the fact that homeopathic products and ingredients have several side effects, hence resulting into harm. In my view, the use of homeopathic substances as treatment options does not work an aspect that proves the relationship between homeopathy and Hormesis because the effects of these products...
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