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Peer Review Stem Cell Research, Ethical Dilemma

Essay Instructions:

Biol. 100 Spring 2019
Peer Review Reflection paper Due March 11th, 2019
25 points total: 15 for your written paper and 10 for the peer review of three other student’s papers
Length: 1-2 pages typed - maximum size 12 font, double spaced, and 1” margins
Hand in a electronic copy of your paper on T urnitin on our iLearn page. Leave your name off the paper as you will be grading each other’s papers and this will make the grading anonymous. I will put this Turnitin activity on iLearn in the Research paper section by March.
Your assignment is to describe an ethical dilemma related to use of new or emerging technologies in the biological sciences or within health disparities. One question for health disparities could be how does one’s identity, hierarchy, power, and privilege lead to differences in their access to health care?
You may do your peer review paper on one of the following three topics: Stem cell research, Genetically Modified Organisms, GMO’s, or Health disparities within communities. Describe the topic and state your opinion on either disadvantages or advantages to stem cells used in research or GMO’s or why you think there are health disparities amongst people. Sample references for these topics are given on iLearn.
Here is a guideline for the health disparities topic:
You will identify for example why some people in society do not have equal access to health care based upon culture, race, gender or socioeconomic status.
You will also identify ways in where changes can and should be made in your opinion to promote social justice through equal access to care or reduce or eliminate health disparities.
You will offer possible solutions to promote biological literacy and increase access to health services across communities, nations, or the world.
Here are more guidelines for the other topics: Stem cells and GMO’s:
Describe an ethical dilemma for example: related to use of new or emerging technologies in the biological sciences (stem cell research and GMO’s).
o For Stem Cell Research: Tell the difference between different types of stem cells and their advantages and disadvantages of use because of ethics. o For GMO’s: Tell the advantages and disadvantages of use of GMO’s.
Identify ways where changes can and should be made in their opinion to promote social justice according to your subject.
o For Stem Cell Research: Show how adult stem cells have an advantage over embryonic stem cells because of their ease of access.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Stem Cell Research
Stem Cell Research
New technology has made research in the various sector more defined and effective. In the health and medical sector, there are broad steps being made by scientist today as a result of improved technology one of the most interesting research today is stem cells research. Each day researchers around the globe are conducting stem cell research trying to understand and increasing knowledge on the human body and giving an approach to medicine. Main ways stem cells are being used is to study normal human development, drug discovery, cell replacement and for endogenous or self-repair. Stem cell research holds a great promise to the medical sectors as it has endless possibilities. There are several types of stems cells; embryonic, adult stem cells, adult cells altered to have properties of embryonic stem cells and perinatal stem cells. This paper is, however, going to look at stem cell research based on the two main stems cells the embryonic and adult stem cells.
Ethical Dilemma
Adult stem cells are found in small quantities i...
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