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2 pages/≈550 words
Biological & Biomedical Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Reading and Summary of Specific and Professional Article

Essay Instructions:

This is an article named "Doubts About the Promised Bounty of Genetically Modified Crops"
In two or three pages summarize the main points of the article and discuss if the points are valid. What is your opinion about the article is biased in any way? Explain. Are there any points that you feel the another overlooked?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Article Summary
Article Summary
The New York Times article, "Doubts About the Promised Bounty of Genetically Modified Crops" by Danny Hakim argues that the promises of genetically modified organism (GMO) have not been fulfilled. The article points that GMO technology had promised increase in crop yields and an overall reduction in the use of chemical pesticides but this has not happened. By comparing Europe that has generally rejected GMO technology with the United States and Canada that have embraced the technology, the article points out that the U.S. And Canada have not made any apparent advantages in terms of yields in comparison to countries like France and Germany from Europe. Further, use of insecticides and herbicides in Europe where convectional crops are grown is much lower compared to the U.S. and Canada that have actually seen an increase in the use of herbicides since GMO technology was introduced.
The author claims that despite the lack of scientific evidence on the harmful effects of genetically modified crops, there is evidence of the potential harm from use of pesticides. These chemicals have been linked to developmental delays and also conditions such as cancer. The author notes that research has shown an increase in the use of herbicides especially in crops like soybeans and corn. The development of seeds resistant to herbicides has seen an increase in the amount of chemicals sprayed on these crops leading to an excessive amount of herbicides used in the fields. Further, the author notes that despite the increase in use of seeds resistant to herbicides like Roundup, weeds have also gradually become resistant to these chemicals leading the corporatio...
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