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Research Assignment Paper: General Right of Privacy

Essay Instructions:

Assuming that there exists a general right of privacy, what sort of conduct to you think lies at its very center? What sort of conduct lies at its periphery? What sort of conduct should be considered outside of the protection of a reasonably interpreted right of privacy? I attached one file, however the writer is free to choose other resources. This class is about privacy, Security & Confidentiality in healthcare.

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Rights of Privacy
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The rights of privacy have not been mentioned in the U.S. Constitution, but the Bills of Rights have expressed some aspects of privacy like the privacy of one’s beliefs, the privacy of individual protection and their possessions and the privacy for personal information. The liberty clause of the fourteenth amendment expressed the protection of the privacy on liberty, procreation and marriages (Linder, 2016). The rights of privacy has spurred up debates among scholars due to privacy`s diverse nature. This essay will assume that there exists a general right of privacy and then it will look at the conducts that lie at the centre and at the periphery of the general rights of privacy in health care.
At the centre of the rights of privacy, there lies equal protection and personal autonomy. The general right of privacy should be evolved in a constitutional framework that touches on all issues of privacy. The right of privacy in health care arose from cases that were brought forth to the Supreme Court, with the intention of expanding the rights of privacy that were in the fourteenth amendment. There were cases regarding birth control that were brought forward by Webster verses Reproductive Health services, Ohio verses Akron Centre for Reproductive Health, and Gonzales verses Carhart. Other cases like the termination of life were brought forward by Cruzan verses Director, Missouri Department of Health, where they were fighting on the right to terminate life through disconnecting the feeding tube a family member in hospital (Linder, 2016). The due process at this era was defensive and contemplative with limits of fine-grained personalization in the public managerial process. The due process does not need to be individualized in decision making since the result would be defying the rights of privacy (Cohen, 2013).
With the general right of privacy, conducting such cases in regards to the due process would be unconstitutional. The first step should be to get the rights of privacy included in the constitution. This would add up to the central conduct of the rights of privacy. Understanding and protection of not only the dynamism, but also the liberal dynamism of privacy should also add up to the constitutional framework (Cohen, 2013). In the health care sector, the Inside Health Policy journal (2010) alludes that the privacy of patients’ information is very important unless there are side-lined circumstances that would require the release of patients’ information. Also, the kind of security on the health care information of the patients should concur with the changing technology in order to mod...
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